Posted by
Baja_Costero (Baja California - Zone 11b) on Jan 13, 2019 12:52 AM concerning plant:
South African geophyte with a swollen below-ground caudex and a narrow, leafy, vining above-ground stem. Typically grown to size in a fairly large container and then raised for display in a much smaller one. The larger the container, the bigger the caudex, given enough time. Once a plant has been raised, the above-ground part of the caudex does not get much bigger. The process of raising a Fockea is not reversible--once it's up, it should not be buried again.
Vines will tend to wander and wrap around nearby plants. Provide a trellis, place the plant below a bush, or allow it to vine along a wall or similar structure. The vine should not be allowed to hang below the caudex, though a bit of trailing is okay. Vines can be cut back pretty dramatically without ill effects, if you allow them to grow out again afterwards. Flowers are small and undramatic, but fragrant. The fruit resembles a small chile, or maybe an okra fruit, and breaks open when ripe to discharge many flat, pale brown seeds with dandelion-like parachutes.
An excellent beginner caudiciform (given strong light, excellent drainage, and attentive watering) which is relatively easy to grow from seed. Do not underpot young seedlings, as it will really slow down their growth. A good general rule is that the roots should only take up the top half of the pot after repotting. Wait for 2-3 years or more to raise a young seedling if you want a dramatic caudex. Fockeas are thirsty plants during spring and summer, and they will dry out the soil faster than most succulents. Consequently they respond well to more frequent watering than the average succulent when in active growth.
The caudex will somewhat conform to the shape of the pot (wider in wider pots, for example). It will vary in shape and branching depending on genetics but also depending on watering and care. For a really spectacular caudex, grow this plant in a very large pot or bed for several years before raising it.