Posted by
Baja_Costero (Baja California - Zone 11b) on Oct 29, 2022 6:47 PM concerning plant:
Fast growing succulent with spiny, tubercular, blue-green stems and abundant basal branches. Plants in habitat may reach up to 3 feet tall with dozens of stems, though plants in cultivation are usually a fraction this big or branchy. The flowers may be pale yellowish brown to pink or purple. They have a putrid smell attracting flies. The spines (modified leaves) are not at all dangerous and seemingly more for decoration than defense.
From western South Africa into Namibia. This plant is the subject of a recent fad (rooted in ancient tradition) based on its supposed properties as an appetite suppressant. Usually grown from seed. Remains solitary until about a year of age, at which time it may start to branch at the base. Provide strong light (but not full sun) and good drainage.
This plant was formerly known as Hoodia gordonii but is now a Ceropegia, like all the stapeliads. It will still be found under the old name in the trade and in health supplements. A classic and well loved member of this group, though not as common as many others due to its reluctance to grow from cuttings.