Data specific to Daffodils (Edit)
Division: Division 4 - Double
Color: Perianth (Petals): Yellow
Color: Corona (Cups): Yellow
Description: All yellow double. Historic. Partial to completely double.
Bloom season: EM - Early to Mid Spring
Height classification: Standard (12.8" to 26.6")
Special Classes: ADS Historics
Hybridizer: Unknown
Year of registration: Yes. 1st flowering pre 1620
Country of Origin: Unknown
Awards: Award of Merit
Links: DaffSeek - Daffodil Database
RHS - Daffodil Register

General Plant Information (Edit)
Plant Habit: Herb/Forb
Life cycle: Perennial
Sun Requirements: Full Sun
Water Preferences: Mesic
Soil pH Preferences: Slightly acid (6.1 – 6.5)
Neutral (6.6 – 7.3)
Leaves: Spring ephemeral
Flowers: Showy
Flower Color: Yellow
Bloom Size: 3"-4"
Flower Time: Late winter or early spring
Underground structures: Bulb
Uses: Provides winter interest
Erosion control
Cut Flower
Will Naturalize
Wildlife Attractant: Bees
Resistances: Deer Resistant
Rabbit Resistant
Toxicity: Leaves are poisonous
Roots are poisonous
Propagation: Seeds: Will not come true from seed
Propagation: Other methods: Offsets
Pollinators: Moths and Butterflies
Containers: Suitable in 1 gallon
Suitable in 3 gallon or larger
Needs excellent drainage in pots
Miscellaneous: Goes Dormant
Awards and Recognitions: Other: Award of Merit (1978)
Child plants: 4 child plants

Common names
  • Double Daffodil
  • Double Narcissus
  • Daffodil
Also sold as:
  • Van Sion
  • Double Van Sion
  • Vincent Sion
  • Wilmot's Double Daffodil
  • Wilmer's Double Golden Daffodil
  • Guernsey Cabbage Daffodil
  • Centifolio
  • De Sion
  • Von Sion

Photo Gallery
Location: my Zone 7b garden in North Georgia Mountains
Date: 2023-02-22
Location: my Zone 7b garden in North Georgia Mountains
Date: 2023-02-22

Date: 2014-04-19
Location: Howick Hall, Northumberland UK
Date: 2019-03-28
Location: Howick Hall, Northumberland UK
Date: 2019-03-28
Location: My Gardens
Date: April 27, 2011
Has Green Highlights In Cold Weather
Location: -Tasmania 2014
Date: Aug 2014
Telamonius Plenus
Location: my front yard
Date: 2013-04-29
Location: Madrid, Spain
photo by: A. Barra
Location: my front yard
Date: 2013-04-24
Location: my front yard
Location: Fairfax, VA | March, 2023
Date: 2023-03-25
Location: My Gardens
Date: April 21, 2008
Close Up View
Location: Clymer,PA
Date: 04/21/2019

Date: c. 1924
photo from USDA pamphlet #1270, "The Production of Narcissus Bulb
Location: Fairfax, VA | March, 2023
Date: 2023-03-25
Location: Fairfax, VA | March, 2023
Date: 2023-03-25

Date: 2018-04-13

Date: 2004-04-15

Date: 2008-04-21
Location: Clymer,PA
Date: 05/02/2018
Location: Fairfax, VA | March, 2023
Date: 2023-03-25

Date: c. 1925
photo from the 1925 catalog, Vallentgoed & Murray, Bellingham, Wa

Date: c. 1925
photo from the 1925 catalog, Vallentgoed & Murray, Bellingham, Wa
Uploaded by gemini_sage

Date: 2004-04-15

photo by: Tomasz Różowski

Photo Courtesy of Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. Used with permissio
  • Uploaded by Joy

Photo Courtesy of Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. Used with permissio
  • Uploaded by Joy
  • Posted by jmorth (central Illinois) on Nov 20, 2013 4:29 PM concerning plant:
    Comments/description from DaffSeek (11-20-13) - 'Doubling varies from partial to completely double; Fl. 100 mm wide; perianth and other petaloid segments ovate, light greenish yellow, white mucro, flushed with slightly darker tone, becoming darker at base, often with green beneath, inflexed, twisted or recurved, separated; cup is funnel-shaped, smooth, vivid yellow, slightly paler at base, sometimes with green at apex, the six segments opposite the perianth segments and bi-lobed, spreading, with rim rolled; the cup filled with petaloid and corona segments in alternate whorls; the petaloid segments longer than the darker corona segments.

    A description according to Daffodils, narcissus, and how to grow them as a hardy plants for cut... 1907 by Arthur Martin Kirby, when identified as 'Double Van Sion', "This famous double yellow daffodil of old American gardens is also very popular in Europe under the name of 'Wilmer's Double Golden Daffodil' and among the more botanical as N. telamonius plenus, it being the doubled form of a single yellow trumpet called 'Telamonius' in England and 'Van Sion' in Holland. Like its parents Double Van Sion varies in size, form, and other characteristics accordingly as influenced by environment. Another vagary of the 'Double Van Sion' is its tendency to produce flowers tinged with green and sometimes almost all green.

    A quote from the January 1966 edition of The American Horticultural Society Magazine: In Section 18 "Daffodils in the Netherlands" at page 175, written by Gustave Springer, writes about what is now known as the synonym 'Van Sion': The most famous is of course the double Van Sion (Telamonius Plenus). This amazingly durable variety dates back to 1620 and was first introduced by Vincent Sion. Somehow it was listed as V. Sion and it was inevitable that everyone soon forgot what the "V." signified. As could be expected V. Sion became Van Sion and for some Von Sion.'
    Orgin of name - 'According to E.A. Bowles' writings in A Handbook of Narcissus, in 1934, "Its first appearance in England is that chronicled by Parkinson, who tells in the Paradisus that Vincent Sion, a Fleming, living in London, cherished it in his garden for many years before it flowered in the year 1620. He thought that John de Frauqueville might have given him the bulb, but that worthy disclaimed the honor, never having seen the like before. Before his death Van Sion gave bulbs to George Wilmer of Stratford Bowe, and also to Parkinson, who seems somewhat aggrieved that Wilmer 'would needes appropriate it to himselfe, as if he were the first founder thereof, and call it by his own name Wilmer's Double Daffodil, which since hath so continued."

    "It was not the only name it was to bear, for Hayworth invented an Ajax Telamon (named after the father of Ajax), but afterwards changed the name to Telamonius. He provided a very poor description for it, and it is hopeless to attempt to recognize any single-flowered form now grown, as his 'long-flowered' Ajax. He regarded it as the single form of two doubles, for the first of which, Grandiplenus, the great double, he cites Parkinson's Fig. 7 on p. 101, called there Master Wilmer's Great Double Daffodill. Therefore the name, Telamonius Plenus, has been widely used. As there is only Hayworth's word for connecting it with the intangible Telamonius, it is better to call it by the garden name Van Sion, and to give honor to whom, according to Parkinson, honor is due." '
    'DaffSeek, American Daffodil Society, Inc., Telamonius Plenus retrieved on Nov 20, 2013', available at

    Has been used in multiple breeding programs.

  • Posted by gwhizz (Rosetta,Tasmania,Australia - Zone 7b) on Oct 20, 2011 10:23 PM concerning plant:
    Also called ''VAN SYON''. Not one single bloom is the same as any other and offers extreme variations in the bloom. A heritage 'wild' daffodil DIV 13 y-yyg
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