General Plant Information (Edit)
Plant Habit: Herb/Forb
Life cycle: Annual
Sun Requirements: Full Sun
Water Preferences: Mesic
Leaves: Other: Edible but older leaves get hairy and are better cooked.
Uses: Vegetable
Salad greens
Cooked greens
Good as a cover crop
Suitable for forage
Dynamic Accumulator: P (Phosphorus)
Ca (Calcium)
S (Sulfur)
Mn (Manganese)
Zn (Zinc)
Cu (Copper)
Propagation: Seeds: Self fertile
Days to germinate: 5-10 days
Depth to plant seed: 1/2"
Sow in situ
Other info: OP, hardy to 10F, may overwinter. Tolerates clay soil. Direct sow late spring into warmed soil. Germinates at 40-85F soil temp. Grows best at 65-75F soil temp. Broadcast or thin to 6". but tolerates crowdin.
Pollinators: Self

Common names
  • Holland Greens

Photo Gallery
Location: Millersville MD
Date: 2020-03-17
Fall sown survivors now bolting in March, just under 12 inches ta
  • Posted by RickCorey (Everett WA 98204 - Zone 8a) on Jan 24, 2013 6:18 PM concerning plant:
    Tyfon (Brassica rapa) is a cross between a stubble turnip and a Chinese cabbage. It was originally bred for forage, and is used as a cover crop and as a compost crop.

    However, young leaves are tender, mild and highly nutritious in salad or as greens. Very easy to grow and very fast growing. Best when young and tender. "Cut and come again" at 30-40 day intervals if cut at one inch. Older leaves get hairy and are better cooked as mild greens that absorb other flavors well. If the plant does bolt, the leaves actually get milder, more succulent, and less hairy.

    Sow 12" rows in late spring after soil has warmed, and thin to 6" spacing, or broadcast as a cover crop. Tolerates crowding. Prefers full sun and loose, well drained soil with moderate to good fertility, but grows well in any reasonable soil, even heavy clay. Hardy and bolt resistant to 10° F, but will bolt in heat. May overwinter.

    Alternate sowing recommendation:
    " Plant seed 4" apart 4-6 weeks before the last spring frost or 8-10 weeks before the first fall frost, or later in mild winter areas."
  • Posted by sallyg (central Maryland - Zone 7b) on Jun 9, 2019 3:44 PM concerning plant:
    First time growing these, planted this spring.
    I did a little row of it, they grow super fast huge leaves. Much bigger leaves than the swiss chard I sowed about the same time. Slightly fuzzy, Thin, with a juicy rib like the red mustard I grow. The caterpillars prefer the kale and collards, so these were less hole-y. Tasted OK, I probably need help making my greens more tasty in general. The chickens like them fresh. Very productive in spring, but have gone downhill fast through July. Too hot? Too much rain? Shade from cucumbers? I just don't know. Updating in October- some survived and started growing again, plus I sowed some fresh seed. They are growing fast again.
    Update following March - some survived our mild winter and are bolting, just as RicCorey described them, will submit a picture.

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