Plant Habit: | Grass/Grass-like |
Life cycle: | Perennial |
Sun Requirements: | Full Sun to Partial Shade |
Minimum cold hardiness: | Zone 7b -15 °C (5 °F) to -12.2 °C (10 °F) |
Maximum recommended zone: | Zone 11 |
Plant Height: | 6-12 inches |
Plant Spread: | 2-3 foot long runners |
Leaves: | Semi-evergreen Broadleaf Other: Thick carpet like sod crowds out most weeds and other grasses. |
Uses: | Groundcover Will Naturalize |
Resistances: | Humidity tolerant Salt tolerant |
Propagation: Seeds: | Other info: Recently viable seed has become available. |
Propagation: Other methods: | Stolons and runners Other: Spreads by above ground stolons known as 'runners' and forms a dense layer. |
Containers: | Not suitable for containers |