Data specific to Fuchsias (Edit)
Hybridizer: Discovered by Lindley
Year: 1856
Habit: Bush
Type: Single
Color of sepals: Other: Purple
Color of corolla: Lavender

General Plant Information (Edit)
Plant Habit: Shrub
Life cycle: Perennial
Sun Requirements: Full Sun to Partial Shade
Partial or Dappled Shade
Water Preferences: Mesic
Soil pH Preferences: Slightly acid (6.1 – 6.5)
Neutral (6.6 – 7.3)
Slightly alkaline (7.4 – 7.8)
Minimum cold hardiness: Zone 9b -3.9 °C (25 °F) to -1.1 °C (30 °F)
Plant Height: 8-25 feet
Plant Spread: 6-8 feet
Leaves: Semi-evergreen
Fruit: Showy
Edible to birds
Other: Round, bluish-purple berries with a waxy bloom.
Flowers: Showy
Blooms on new wood
Flower Color: Lavender
Bloom Size: Under 1"
Flower Time: Late spring or early summer
Underground structures: Taproot
Uses: Windbreak or Hedge
Will Naturalize
Suitable as Annual
Edible Parts: Fruit
Eating Methods: Culinary Herb/Spice
Wildlife Attractant: Butterflies
Resistances: Rabbit Resistant
Propagation: Seeds: Scarify seeds: Abrade with sandpaper or soak in warm water for a few hours before sowing.
Needs specific temperature: 70ºF-75ºF
Days to germinate: 30-90 days
Depth to plant seed: Shallowly sow, covering with a thin layer of soil.
Propagation: Other methods: Cuttings: Stem
Pollinators: Various insects

Common names
  • Shrubby Fuchsia
  • Paniculate Fuchsia
  • Lady's Eardrops

Photo Gallery
Location: Jardin Georges Delaselle    Ile de Batz, Brittany, France
Date: 2023-08-29
Location: RHS Harlow Carr, Yorkshire UK
Date: 2022-10-11
Location: Botanical Garden of Utrecht
Date: 2023-09-02
Location: RHS Harlow Carr, Yorkshire UK
Date: 2022-10-11
Location: RHS Harlow Carr, Yorkshire UK
Date: 2022-10-11
Location: Botanical Garden of Utrecht
Date: 2023-09-02
Location: Botanical Garden of Utrecht
Date: 2023-09-02
Location: RHS Harlow Carr, Yorkshire, England UK 
Date: 2022-10-11
Fuchsia paniculata
Location: Botanical Graden Meise - Nationale Plantentuin Meise - Brussel
Location: Botanical Graden Meise - Nationale Plantentuin Meise - Brussel
Location: Botanical Graden Meise - Nationale Plantentuin Meise - Brussel
Location: Costa Rica, Los Quetzales N.P.

Photo courtesy of: Cirilo Nelson

Photo courtesy of: Alex Monro

Photo courtesy of: Alex Monro

Photo courtesy of: Alex Monro

Photo courtesy of: Alex Monro

Photo courtesy of: Alex Monro

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