Plant Habit: | Shrub Tree |
Life cycle: | Perennial |
Sun Requirements: | Full Sun Full Sun to Partial Shade Partial or Dappled Shade Partial Shade to Full Shade Full Shade |
Water Preferences: | Wet Mesic Mesic Dry Mesic |
Soil pH Preferences: | Slightly acid (6.1 – 6.5) Neutral (6.6 – 7.3) |
Minimum cold hardiness: | Zone 9b -3.9 °C (25 °F) to -1.1 °C (30 °F) |
Plant Height: | 10-35 feet or more |
Plant Spread: | 15-20 feet |
Leaves: | Evergreen Broadleaf Other: Glossy green to almost 12 inches in length. |
Fruit: | Indehiscent Other: 1 to 1.5 inch cylindrical sticky dark brownish-purple fruits with 5 vertical ribs. |
Flowers: | Inconspicuous Fragrant |
Flower Color: | Pink Yellow Other: Greenish-white |
Bloom Size: | Under 1" |
Flower Time: | Summer |
Suitable Locations: | Patio/Ornamental/Small Tree |
Uses: | Windbreak or Hedge Shade Tree Medicinal Herb |
Wildlife Attractant: | Bees |
Resistances: | Humidity tolerant Drought tolerant Salt tolerant |
Propagation: Other methods: | Cuttings: Stem |
Containers: | Suitable in 3 gallon or larger Needs repotting every 2 to 3 years |