Plant Habit: | Vine |
Life cycle: | Perennial |
Sun Requirements: | Full Sun Full Sun to Partial Shade Partial or Dappled Shade |
Water Preferences: | Mesic |
Soil pH Preferences: | Slightly acid (6.1 – 6.5) Neutral (6.6 – 7.3) Slightly alkaline (7.4 – 7.8) |
Minimum cold hardiness: | Zone 10a -1.1 °C (30 °F) to +1.7 °C (35 °F) |
Plant Height: | 10 to 15 feet |
Leaves: | Evergreen Other: Soft, pubescent (fuzzy) usually 5 to 6 inches in width but will grow 10 to 12 inches if grown in shade. |
Fruit: | Showy Other: Capsule @ 1 inch in length. |
Flowers: | Showy Fragrant |
Flower Color: | Orange Multi-Color: Sunset colors of Crimson-pink with yellow throat and dark pink stripes |
Bloom Size: | 2"-3" |
Flower Time: | Late spring or early summer Summer Late summer or early fall Other: Blooms sporadically year round with profuse flushes in March, June, September and December |
Underground structures: | Taproot |
Suitable Locations: | Espalier |
Wildlife Attractant: | Bees Butterflies Hummingbirds |
Resistances: | Humidity tolerant |
Propagation: Other methods: | Cuttings: Stem Stolons and runners Offsets |
Containers: | Needs excellent drainage in pots |
piksihk | On March 27, 2018 | Plant Ended (Removed, Died, Discarded, etc) They didn't make it; |
piksihk | On November 30, 2016 | Obtained plant two rooted cuttings; |
piksihk | On January 31, 2016 | Plant Ended (Removed, Died, Discarded, etc) didn't survive transplanted |
piksihk | On January 3, 2016 | Obtained plant |
plantladylin | On September 3, 2015 | Obtained plant Purchased from Brushwood Nursery, received small, healthy plant on 9/3/2015. |
Thread Title | Last Reply | Replies |
I can see why you loved it! by SongofJoy | Dec 23, 2015 12:08 PM | 4 |