General Plant Information (Edit)
Plant Habit: Herb/Forb
Life cycle: Perennial
Sun Requirements: Full Sun to Partial Shade
Flowers: Showy
Underground structures: Bulb
Uses: Cut Flower
Will Naturalize
Wildlife Attractant: Bees
Toxicity: Other: All parts are poisonous if ingested
Propagation: Seeds: Start indoors
Other info: first flowering when grown from seed usually occurs in 3-8 years
Propagation: Other methods: Offsets
Other: some old and established bulbs can be huge, weighing up to 40 lbs; crinums do not like transplanting
Conservation status: Vulnerable (VU)

Conservation status:
Conservation status: Vulnerable
Common names
  • Crinum
  • Water Lily

Photo Gallery

Photo Courtesy of Cape seed and Bulb.
  • Uploaded by Joy

Date: 2012-10-23
Location: My pond, near Lincoln UK
Date: 2010-06-11
I had hoped to see flowers but the last winter 2010/11 in the UK
Location: My pond, near Lincoln UK
Date: 2010-05-05
I left it in the pond over winter 2009/10, it survived deep ice t
  • Posted by JRsbugs (Near Lincoln UK) on Dec 23, 2011 8:27 AM concerning plant:
    Crinum campanulatum is endemic to the Albany floristic region of the Eastern Cape, where it occurs in temporary pools and seasonal marshes in grasslands. Information from

    I bought this as a young plant. It grew well and started to bulk up nicely. At first I brought it inside over winter, as it is "tender," but after building a pond in 2009 I put it in the shallow part in a pot, where it seemed to be very happy. In their natural habitat in South Africa they can go dormant in the dry periods or can remain evergreen. In the spring to summer rain season, when the ground becomes covered with water, they flower! They can live permanently in water.

    I had intended to bring the plant under cover for the winter after putting it in the pond, but the wildlife in the pond quickly grew and I did not want to disturb any creature which may be living around the plant, so I left it in the pond. Winter 2009/10 in the UK was quite a hard one. The pond had a good depth of ice to about 5 inches, which was well below the depth of the top of the pot. The leaves remained green even with ice for some time! Eventually the leaves died back, leaving the stems above the bulbs as seen in the photo. They were alive and grew to make an even bigger plant! Unfortunately, the last winter we had, 2010/11, was much harder with 7 weeks below freezing with temperatures down to -17C. The last time we had such harsh conditions was about 30 years ago. The plant died, to my disappointment! The flowers on this one were supposed to be the reddish form. There is also a white form, and it would have been nice to see the flowers!

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