The Main Plant entry for Euphorbias (Euphorbia)

This database entry exists to show plant data and photos that apply generically to all Euphorbias.

General Plant Information (Edit)
Flowers: Other: In the genus Euphorbia, the flowers are reduced in size and aggregated into a cluster of flowers called a cyathium (plural cyathia). This feature is present in every species of the genus Euphorbia but nowhere else in the plant kingdom.
Dynamic Accumulator: B (Boron)
Toxicity: Other: All members of the genus Euphorbia produce a milky sap called latex that is toxic and can range from a mild irritant to very poisonous.

Common names
  • Euphorbia

Photo Gallery
Location: Baja California
Date: 2020-11-25
13 spiraling rows of tubercles, each with a dormant arm bud above
Location: Baja California
Date: 2021-07-30
Fully activated in mid summer
Location: Baja California
Date: 2020-12-24
Euphorbia milii x
Location: Baja California
Date: 2018-11-01
Location: Baja California
Date: 2024-02-22
E. mammillaris x polygona, male
Location: Baja California
Date: 2020-05-28
Location: Baja California
Date: 2018-04-14
First time flowering, bisexual cyathia with green glands
Location: Baja California
Date: 2020-12-19
Location: Baja California
Date: 2021-02-05
Location: Baja California
Date: 2016-03-24
E. mammillaris x anoplia
Location: Baja California
Date: 2022-09-27
E. bupleurifolia hybrid, female
Location: Baja California
Date: 2024-08-01
E. mammillaris (L) and avasmontana (R)
Location: Kansas City
Date: 2019-11-03
I think this is a cactus or euphorbia-- i thought maybe a candela
Location: Baja California
Date: 2021-11-15
E. mammillaris x bupleurifolia (female)
Location: Jardin Exotique & Botanique  Roscoff, Brittany, France
Date: 2023-08-29
Location: Baja California
Date: 2021-01-03
6 inch pot
Location: Baja California
Date: 2019-08-17
Seedling volunteers: E. flanaganii x2, E. leuconeura, E. milii x
Location: Baja California
Date: 2015-08-27
Euphorbia (bupleurifolia x susannae) x bupleurifolia
Location: Hattiesburg, MS 39401
Date: 2023-12-12
Location: Baja California
Date: 2021-03-25
E. millii hybrid, dichotomous branching on inflorescence
Location: Henry Shaw Cactus Society Annual Show in St Louis
Date: 2024-07-21
A crested euphorbia Thai hybrid

Date: 2019-11-21
Obesa hybrid, new growth(interesting to look at)
Location: Hattiesburg, MS 39401
Date: 2023-12-12
Location: Riverton, Utah, United States
Date: 2020-06-23
Location: Baja California
Date: 2020-01-11
Unwanted visitor (very typical location between tubercles near th
Location: Botanical Gardens of the State of Georgia...Athens, Ga
Date: 2022-04-12
Euphorbias 006
Location: Bea’s garden
Date: 2023-03-24
Location: Baja California
Date: 2013-09-15
Euphorbia mammillaris x anoplia
Location: Baja California
Date: 2022-06-25
Sister seedlings: Euphorbia mammillaris x
Location: Baja California
Date: 2013-09-21
Euphorbia (bupleurifolia x susannae) x bupleurifolia
Location: Baja California
Date: 2020-07-26
Volunteer seedling, probably E. milii (with E. mammillaris varieg

Date: 2020-03-03
Unknown plant, will move if identified
Location: Baja California
Date: 2020-12-04
Volunteer E. milii hybrid with reduced cyathia

Date: 2019-03-19

photo credit: H. Zell

photo credit: H. Zell
Location: Coastal San Diego County 
Date: 2018-04-20
Location: Florida
Location: Monte juic
Date: 2019-04-22
Also has seed pods. Pretty sure its one of the native euphorbias
Location: Baja California
Date: 2020-03-31
Euphorbia (bupleurifolia x susannae) x bupleurifolia

Date: 2021-08-08
Location: My garden
Date: 2017-06-22
Location: Nice, France
Date: 2019-04-20
A large mediterranean euphorbia
Location: Baja California
Date: 9/8/21
E. bupleurifolia hybrid, female cyathium. Fringed glands not a bu
Location: In my garden - San Joaquin County, CA
Date: 2017-06-04 - Late Spring
A noid hybrid Euphorbia succulent

Date: 2019-08-12
Obesa hybrid, in bloom. Dutch  wholesale.

Date: 2019-07-23
Another obesa hybrid, this one seems more caespitose than the for
Location: Nice
Date: 2019-04-20
Location: Nice 
Date: 2019-04-20
Location: Marimurta Botanical Garden
Date: 2019-04-22
Location: Marimurta Botanical Garden
Date: 2019-04-22
Enopla or pentagona
Location: Opp, AL
Date: 2015-10-29
Location: Opp, AL
Date: 2015-10-29
Location: Opp, AL
Date: 2015-10-29
Location: Opp, AL
Date: 2015-10-29
Location: Marimurta Botanical Garden
Date: 2019-04-22
Medusoid euphorbia, exact ID unknown
Location: Baja California
Date: 2021-10-15
Euphorbia (bupleurifolia x susannae) x bupleurifolia (female)
Location: Baja California
Date: 2021-04-17
Uploaded by sedumzz

Date: 2019-12-11
Uploaded by sedumzz
Location: Baja California
Date: 2021-09-04
E. mammillaris x bupleurifolia
Location: Missouri Botanical Garden (MOBOT) - St Louis
Date: 8-9-11

Date: 2019-04-22
Unmarked plant at Marimurta botanical garden. Plant is stressed o
Location: Quad Cities Botanical Garden, Rock Island, Il.
Date: 2012-07-02

Date: 2019-09-28
small cactus that grows horizontal

Date: 2019-07-07
Native plant, early stage of fruiting
Location: My garden
Date: 2017-06-18
A subtle addition to the White Flower Border.
Location: South Australia
Date: 2017
Location: Potohar, Punjab.
Date: 2012-11-01
Location: Potohar, Punjab.
Date: 2012-11-01
Location: Potohar, Punjab.
Location: Potohar, Punjab.
Location: Potohar, Punjab.
Date: 2013-01-13
Location: Potohar, Punjab.
Date: 2013-01-13
Location: Baja California
Date: 2021-07-17
E. mammillaris x bupleurifolia volunteer (paternity presumed)
Location: Baja California
Date: 2021-08-06
Hermaphrodite with receptive stigma

Date: 2015-12-06
Location: Nice park garden
Date: 2019-04-20
People call this e.acrurensis, now under abyssinica.
Location: Nice
Date: 2019-04-20
A candelabra species, exact ID unknown(ingens or candelabrum)
Location: Marimurta Botanical Garden
Date: 2019-04-22
Unmarked plant at Marimurta botanical garden. Plant is stressed o
Location: zone 8 Lake City, Fl.
Date: 2013-04-24
Location: zone 8 Lake City, Fl.
Date: 2013-04-24
Location: New York Botanical Gardens Bronx NY
Date: late April 2014

Date: 5/20/2020
Is this a triangle cactus? And if so, is this corking? Does it ne
Location: Fairfax, VA | July, 2022
Date: 2022-07-24
Location: Potohar, Pakistan.
Date: 2013-04-05
Location: Potohar, Pakistan.
Date: 2013-04-05
Uploaded by LAGardengirl

Date: 2019-04-25
Monte juic botanical garden, barcelona.  Tree euphorbia, exact sp
Location: central Illinois
Date: 1-13-13
Location: central Illinois
Date: 2-7-13
Location: central Illinois
Date: 2013-03-14
Location: National Botanical Garden (DC) | November 2022
Date: 2022-11-26
Location: NYBG 
Date: June 14 22
Location: Euphorbia globosa hybride
Date: 2014-05-11
Photo courtesy of: Tangopaso
Location: Guadalajara, Jalisco Mexico
Date: 2021-05-16
Which Euphorbia is this?
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  • Posted by Marilyn (Kentucky - Zone 6a) on May 22, 2013 11:25 PM concerning plant:
    "Euphorbia is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the family Euphorbiaceae. Consisting of 2008 species, Euphorbia is one of the largest and most diverse genera in the plant kingdom, along with Rumex and Senecio. Members of the family and genus are commonly referred to as spurges.

    The plants are annual or perennial herbs, woody shrubs or trees with a caustic, poisonous milky sap (latex). The roots are fine or thick and fleshy or tuberous. Many species are more or less succulent, thorny or unarmed. The main stem and mostly also the side arms of the succulent species are thick and fleshy, 6–36 inches tall. The deciduous leaves are opposite, alternate or in whorls. In succulent species the leaves are mostly small and short-lived. The stipules are mostly small, partly transformed into spines or glands, or missing.

    The milky sap of spurges (called "latex") evolved as a deterrent to herbivores. It is white and colorless when dry, except in E. abdelkuri, where it is yellow. The pressurized sap seeps from the slightest wound and congeals after a few minutes in air. The specific composition of diterpene or triterpene esters varies, and determines how caustic and irritating a particular species is. In contact with mucous membranes (eyes, nose, mouth), the latex can produce extremely painful inflammation. Therefore, spurges should be handled with caution and kept away from children and pets. Latex on skin should be washed off immediately and thoroughly. Congealed latex is insoluble in water, but can be removed with an emulsifier like milk or soap. A physician should be consulted if inflammation occurs, as severe eye damage including permanent blindness may result from exposure to the sap. When large succulent spurges in a greenhouse are cut, vapours can cause irritation to the eyes and throat several metres away. Precautions, including sufficient ventilation, are required."

    Taken from wikipedia's page at:

  • Posted by KFredenburg (Black Hills, SD - Zone 5a) on Jun 10, 2020 1:36 PM concerning plant:
    Feature cushion sprite at the front of a border for its symmetrical mounded form, bright spring bracts and reddish fall foliage. Place the taller euphorbia in the middle or back of a border, where they are valuable for both their colorful grafts and their handsome foliage. 'Fire Glow' euphorbia's bronze-tinted leaves go well with red, orange or yellow flowers.
  • Posted by SongofJoy (Clarksville, TN - Zone 6b) on Feb 4, 2012 3:15 PM concerning plant:
    The common name "spurge" derives from the Middle English/Old French word "espurge" which means "to purge" (due to the use of the plant's sap as a purgative).

    The botanical name Euphorbia comes from Euphorbus, the Greek physician to King Juba II of Numidia (d. 23 AD) who married the daughter of Anthony and Cleopatra. He noted that one of the cactus-like Euphorbias was a powerful laxative. In 12 BC, Juba named this plant after his physician, Euphorbus. Botanist and taxonomist Carl Linnaeus assigned the name Euphorbia to the entire genus in the physician's honor.
Plant Events from our members
tarev On June 3, 2017 Obtained plant
Obtained a noid hybrid Euphorbia succulent from Poot's Cactus Nursery in Ripon, CA
» Post your own event for this plant

Discussion Threads about this plant
Thread Title Last Reply Replies
ID question by Baja_Costero Oct 23, 2018 7:01 PM 4
ID and feedback on the question in the caption by Baja_Costero Nov 3, 2019 10:42 PM 2
Image move by Baja_Costero Nov 20, 2019 3:22 PM 6
Euphorbia, maybe stenoclada by skopjecollection Jan 9, 2020 11:30 PM 0
This is a euphorbia by skopjecollection Jan 9, 2020 11:41 PM 0
ID question by Baja_Costero Mar 18, 2020 8:57 PM 0
ID question by Baja_Costero Mar 19, 2020 9:35 PM 1
ID question by Baja_Costero May 21, 2020 11:17 PM 2
Connecting the dots by Baja_Costero Nov 26, 2020 2:43 PM 2
ID question by Baja_Costero Mar 3, 2022 11:40 AM 0
ID question by Baja_Costero Nov 25, 2023 1:41 PM 2

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