The Main Plant entry for Nicotianas (Nicotiana)

This database entry exists to show plant data and photos that apply generically to all Nicotianas.

General Plant Information (Edit)
Plant Habit: Herb/Forb
Sun Requirements: Full Sun
Water Preferences: Wet Mesic
Fruit: Showy
Fruiting Time: Summer
Late summer or early fall
Flowers: Showy
Bloom Size: Under 1"
Flower Time: Summer
Late summer or early fall
Wildlife Attractant: Bees
Toxicity: Leaves are poisonous
Roots are poisonous
Fruit is poisonous
Propagation: Seeds: Provide light
Needs specific temperature: Minimum of 73 degrees F
Depth to plant seed: Surface sown (not covered)
Start indoors
Can handle transplanting
Pollinators: Self
Moths and Butterflies
Various insects

Common names
  • Tobacco

Photo Gallery
Location: central Illinois
Date: 10-7-11
Location: central Illinois
Date: 2018-07-23
#pollination  Hummingbird Moth
Location: My garden in the Northeast.
Date: 2005-07-23
Location: central Illinois
Date: 2014-07-22
Uploaded by sedumzz
Location: All pictures taken in/on my gardens/greenhouse/property
Date: 2021-07-05
tuber from what I thought was a self-sown seedling

Date: 2015-07-20
Location: central Illinois
Date: 2018-07-25
#pollination  Sphinx Moth
Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Date: 2024-06-07
Location: All pictures taken in/on my gardens/greenhouse/property
Date: 2018-07-13
grown from seed of a small, purple flowered plant that showed up
Location: Pennsylvania
Date: 2020-08-20
Location: Maine
Date: 2023-07-03
Location: central Illinois
Date: 2012-10-02
Location: Cape Cod Wicked Oyster restaurant planting.
Date: 2014-0912

Date: 2015-07-20
Location: central Illinois
Date: 11-1-11
Location: central Illinois
Date: 10-24-14
Location: central Illinois
Date: 2017-12-10
Location: central Illinois
Date: 2009-08-02
Location: central Illinois
Date: 2009-07-20
Location: central Illinois
Date: 2009-07-25
Location: DISCLAIMER: This is an old photo from an old phone. I don't know why, but the photos look "deep fried". sorry about that.
Location: central Illinois
Date: 2014-11-01
Location: Cape Cod Wicked Oyster restaurant planting.
Date: 2014-0912
Location: Cape Cod Wicked Oyster restaurant planting.
Date: 2014-0912
Location: Cape Cod Wicked Oyster restaurant planting.
Date: 2014-0912

Date: 2015-07-20
Location: central Illinois
Date: 9-29-14
Very attractive to the sphinx moths that arrive as the sun goes d

Date: 2015-07-20
Location: central Illinois
Date: 2014-02-03
Location: central Illinois
Date: 2015-10-26
self seeded - grew from a crack where garage meets concrete slab.

Date: 2015-07-20

Date: 2015-07-20
Location: central Illinois
Date: 2012-06-02
Location: central Illinois
Date: 2009-08-02
Location: central Illinois
Date: fall, 2011
Location: central Illinois
Date: Aug. 2011
Location: my garden 
Date: 2013-07-17
First time sown from seeds.
Location: central Illinois
Date: 2015-09-07

Date: 2015-07-20
Location: central Illinois
Date: 2012-09-20
Location: central Illinois
Date: 2012-09-20
Location: central Illinois
Date: 2009-08-15
2 different cultivars in photo
Location: central Illinois
Date: 2009-08-23
This plant is tagged in:
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  • Posted by SongofJoy (Clarksville, TN - Zone 6b) on Feb 13, 2012 10:42 AM concerning plant:
    Fowering tobacco is related to the tobacco plants of commerce and bred for ornamental value.

    A low rosette of large, flat, velvety leaves supports the tall flowering stems covered with many star-shaped flowers. Flower colors include white, pink, maroon, lavender, green, red, and yellow. The plants can grow up to three feet tall, but dwarf forms are also available.

    Nicotiana grows best in fertile, humus-rich, moist, well-drained soil in partial shade or full sun in cooler areas. They are tough plants that will tolerate high temperatures. Transplant to the garden when all danger of frost has passed, spacing 8 to 12 inches apart.

    Seeds may be sown in situ, thinning the seedlings to the right spacing. Otherwise, start the plants indoors six to eight weeks prior to planting out. Seeds germinate in 10 to 20 days at 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Don't cover seeds; they need light to germinate.

    Plant viruses can be a problem. Plants that show signs of a virus, yellowed and distorted growth or ringspots on the leaves, should be pulled and thrown away. Other diseases such as stem and root rots are rarely serious and can be controlled by proper site selection and planting. Newer hybrids of nicotiana are relatively free of insect and disease problems.

    Special Precaution: As a close relative of smoking tobacco and a member of the nightshade family, nicotiana plants contain nicotine and should be considered poisonous. No part of the plant should be ingested by people or animals.

Plant Events from our members
jmorth On June 12, 2015 Bloomed
Self seeded
piksihk On December 6, 2019 Seeds sown
'belle' frt left side bed HW
Johannian On April 28, 2022 Plant emerged
Johannian On April 9, 2022 Seeds sown
dnrevel On June 7, 2024 Transplanted
Into containers for the front yard.
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