Plant Habit: | Herb/Forb |
Life cycle: | Perennial |
Sun Requirements: | Full Sun |
Minimum cold hardiness: | Zone 2 -45.6 °C (-50 °F) to -42.8 °C (-45°F) |
Plant Height: | Less than 10 cm |
Flowers: | Showy |
Flower Color: | Yellow |
Bloom Size: | Under 1" |
Flower Time: | Late spring or early summer |
Inflorescence Height: | To 20 cm |
Suitable Locations: | Alpine Gardening |
Propagation: Seeds: | Other info: Seeds germinate in a few days at room temperature without pretreatment. |
Containers: | Needs excellent drainage in pots |
GoCart | On July 8, 2017 | Transplanted vendor pot to ground |
MrsBinWY | On August 15, 2021 | Seeds sown I've tried germinating these seeds before with so luck. I only have one plant, so perhaps the species is self- incompatible. On 8-15-2021, sprinkled seeds from the or four seed heads onto surface of most potting mix in milk jug and set on back patio. |