Plant Habit: | Shrub |
Life cycle: | Perennial |
Sun Requirements: | Full Sun to Partial Shade |
Water Preferences: | Mesic Dry Mesic Dry |
Minimum cold hardiness: | Zone 4a -34.4 °C (-30 °F) to -31.7 °C (-25 °F) |
Maximum recommended zone: | Zone 8b |
Plant Height: | 18-24 inches |
Plant Spread: | 18-24 inches |
Leaves: | Unusual foliage color Deciduous Other: Plum-red foliage |
Fruit: | Showy Edible to birds |
Flowers: | Showy Blooms on old wood |
Flower Time: | Spring |
Uses: | Will Naturalize |
Edible Parts: | Fruit |
Wildlife Attractant: | Birds |
Resistances: | Deer Resistant |
Propagation: Seeds: | Self fertile Stratify seeds: seeds require a cooling period prior to germination and are best planted in the Fall Sow in situ Can handle transplanting |
Propagation: Other methods: | Cuttings: Stem |
Pollinators: | Various insects |
Miscellaneous: | Tolerates poor soil With thorns/spines/prickles/teeth Patent/Plant Breeders' Rights: PP24,841 (2014) |
Parentage: | Concorde x Unknown |
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