General Plant Information (Edit)
Plant Habit: Herb/Forb
Life cycle: Perennial
Flowers: Showy
Other: The Pelargonium flower has a single symmetry plane (zygomorphic) which distinguishes it from the Geranium flower which is actinomorphic.
Uses: Suitable as Annual
Dynamic Accumulator: Fe (Iron)
Mn (Manganese)
Zn (Zinc)
Cu (Copper)
Co (Cobalt)
Propagation: Seeds: Will not come true from seed
Propagation: Other methods: Cuttings: Stem
Other: take a stem cutting just below a node and remove the leaves from the bottom one or two nodes; roots will only develop from the region of a node; harden off the plants before transplanting them outdoors
Containers: Suitable in 3 gallon or larger
Needs excellent drainage in pots
Miscellaneous: Patent/Plant Breeders' Rights: PP15,495

Trade name information:
Series: Tango™
Trade Name: Rose Splash
Cultivar name: 'Clips Rosspla'
Common names
  • Storksbill
Also sold as:
  • Pelargonium Eclipse Rose Splash

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