Data specific to Tomatoes (Edit)
Heredity: Open Pollinated
Skin Color: Green
Fruit Shape: Pear
Fruit Size: Small
Leaf Type: Regular-Leaf
Best Uses: Salad
Growth Mode: Indeterminate
Earliness: Mid-season
Country: USA

General Plant Information (Edit)
Plant Habit: Vine
Life cycle: Perennial
Sun Requirements: Full Sun
Water Preferences: Mesic
Minimum cold hardiness: Zone 11 +4.4 °C (40 °F) to +7.2 °C (50 °F)
Plant Height: Varies greatly by species and cultivated variety.
Plant Spread: Varies greatly by species and cultivated variety.
Leaves: Other: Varies greatly by species and cultivated variety.
Fruit: Showy
Edible to birds
Fruiting Time: Other: Varies greatly by species and cultivated variety.
Flower Color: Yellow
Bloom Size: Under 1"
Flower Time: Other: Varies greatly by species and cultivated variety.
Uses: Vegetable
Suitable as Annual
Edible Parts: Fruit
Eating Methods: Raw
Resistances: Rabbit Resistant
Toxicity: Leaves are poisonous
Roots are poisonous
Propagation: Seeds: Self fertile
Other info: Direct sowing into the garden not recommended. Sow seeds into sterile seed starting mix, 1/8"-1/4" deep, indoors, 6-8 weeks prior to last expected frost date. Optimal germination occurs in 7-14 days with constant moisture and soil temperatures of 75-90F.
Propagation: Other methods: Cuttings: Stem
Pollinators: Self
Various insects
Containers: Preferred depth: Some tomato varieties, primarily dwarf and determinate varieties, are suitable for container gardening. Large, vining, indeterminate types can be grown in 5 gallon or larger containers but may require extra attention.

Common names
  • Tomato
Also sold as:
  • Mint Julep

Photo Gallery
Location: Mid Columbia Gardens, Richland WA
  • Uploaded by psa
Location: Westbrook, CT
Date: 2017-08-15
Late midseason and no signs of ripening

Photo courtesy of Annie's Annuals and Perennials

 Photo Courtesy of Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. Used with permissi
  • Uploaded by Joy
Location: Cedarhome, Washington
Date: 2013-09-06
Location: Cedarhome, Washington
Date: 2013-09-06
  • Posted by DonShirer (Westbrook, CT - Zone 6a) on Sep 23, 2017 8:07 PM concerning plant:
         I have plenty of fruit on two Michael Pollan tomato plants, but as of Sept. 23 they show no signs of the yellow tint that is supposed to herald ripening. I picked some last month to test –they were as hard as a rock– then put them on a shelf and forgot about them. This week my wife noticed that they were a little softer. Still no yellow, but they were edible. Mild, slightly sweet, but not great taste. Fruit on vine still not yelllow. If you are looking for a long-keeping tomato, M.P. might be for you, but pray that yours ripen better than mine.
  • Posted by Bonehead (Planet Earth - Zone 8b) on Oct 31, 2013 9:43 AM concerning plant:
    Mildly sweet, slightly tart, thick walls. This tomato was not very productive for me (Pacific NW). I also have a difficult time determining when green skinned tomatoes are ripe, and they tend to get hidden in the foliage.

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