Data specific to Tomatoes (Edit)
Skin Color: Red
Fruit Shape: Round
Fruit Size: Tiny/Currant
Leaf Type: Regular-Leaf
Best Uses: Salad
Growth Mode: Indeterminate
Earliness: Mid-season

General Plant Information (Edit)
Plant Habit: Vine
Life cycle: Perennial
Sun Requirements: Full Sun
Water Preferences: Mesic
Minimum cold hardiness: Zone 11 +4.4 °C (40 °F) to +7.2 °C (50 °F)
Plant Height: Varies greatly by species and cultivated variety.
Plant Spread: Varies greatly by species and cultivated variety.
Leaves: Other: Varies greatly by species and cultivated variety.
Fruit: Showy
Edible to birds
Fruiting Time: Other: Varies greatly by species and cultivated variety.
Flower Color: Yellow
Bloom Size: Under 1"
Flower Time: Other: Varies greatly by species and cultivated variety.
Uses: Vegetable
Suitable as Annual
Edible Parts: Fruit
Eating Methods: Raw
Resistances: Deer Resistant
Rabbit Resistant
Toxicity: Leaves are poisonous
Roots are poisonous
Propagation: Seeds: Self fertile
Other info: Direct sowing into the garden not recommended. Sow seeds into sterile seed starting mix, 1/8"-1/4" deep, indoors, 6-8 weeks prior to last expected frost date. Optimal germination occurs in 7-14 days with constant moisture and soil temperatures of 75-90F.
Propagation: Other methods: Cuttings: Stem
Pollinators: Self
Various insects
Containers: Preferred depth: Some tomato varieties, primarily dwarf and determinate varieties, are suitable for container gardening. Large, vining, indeterminate types can be grown in 5 gallon or larger containers but may require extra attention.
Child plants: one child plant

Victory Seed Company sells seeds of 'Red Currant'.

Common names
  • Tomato

Photo Gallery
Location: Zone 5
Date: 2015-08-08
Location: Zone 5
Date: 2015-08-08 
The circumference of a dime.
Location: Zone 5
Date: 2015-08-08 
The progressive ripening.
Location: Zone 5
Date: 2015-08-08
Location: Zone 5
Date: 2015-08-08 
14 to 16 tiny tomatoes on a stalk.
Location: Northeastern, Texas
Date: May 16, 2016
Location: Northeastern, Texas
Date: June 2016
Location: Bryan, Texas
Date: 2019-06-05

Photo courtesy of Annie's Annuals and Perennials
  • Posted by Trish (Grapevine, TX - Zone 8a) on May 10, 2022 8:42 AM concerning plant:
    This open-pollinated species tomato from South America produces 1/4- to 1/2-inch-diameter sweet, yet tart, fruits on large vines.

    'Red Currant' was considered an interesting novelty crop by testers, but it rated low overall. "The fruits were very attractive in salads, but the taste was too tart and skin too thick for best eating quality," notes Fred Hahn of Lewis Center, Ohio. "No more than two or three fruits ripened at one time, making them buggers to harvest," adds Jacqueline Dewar of Los Angeles, California.
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GaNinFl On January 21, 2019 Seeds sown
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