General Plant Information (Edit)
Plant Habit: |
Life cycle: |
Sun Requirements: |
Full Sun
Partial Shade to Full Shade
Full Shade
Water Preferences: |
Dry Mesic
Minimum cold hardiness: |
Zone 4a -34.4 °C (-30 °F) to -31.7 °C (-25 °F)
Plant Height: |
3 - 5 feet |
Plant Spread: |
1.5 - 2 feet |
Flowers: |
Flower Color: |
Flower Time: |
Late spring or early summer
Late summer or early fall
Uses: |
Will Naturalize
Wildlife Attractant: |
Resistances: |
Deer Resistant
Toxicity: |
Leaves are poisonous
Other: The Latin word digitalis means finger and the blossoms of this flower fit the human finger almost perfectly. But the flowers and leaves are highly toxic, and this plant should not be grown in areas frequented by children. Foxglove is grown commercially a
Propagation: Seeds: |
Sow in situ
Propagation: Other methods: |
Other: Divide in early spring or fall
Pollinators: |
Containers: |
Suitable in 3 gallon or larger
- Common Foxglove
- White Flowered Common Foxglove
- Fairy's Glove
- Foxglove
- Accepted: Digitalis purpurea
- Synonym: Digitalis purpurea f. albiflora
- Synonym: Digitalis purpurea var. alba
Posted by
ssgardener (Silver Spring, MD - Zone 7a) on Jun 16, 2013 8:38 PM concerning plant:
Common foxglove is very easy to grow from seed, and also very easy to wintersow.
I had great luck with it last year, but this year all the white foxgloves got some sort of a fungal infection. It was very sad to see the white blooms and leaves turn black and rot away. The yellow foxgloves that were planted next to the white ones did not have this issue.
I won't be planting the white ones again. It's too much to wait 2 years for the blooms just to have them rot away like that.
Posted by
threegardeners (Brockville, Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a) on Oct 11, 2011 7:53 AM concerning plant:
If dead-headed after blooming this plant will bloom again later in the Summer.
Prefer, but do not need a well draining soil. If the soil isn't well draining they may rot over the winter.
These will happily self seed and return for many years.
Digitalis leaves are a source of the drug digitalis and are highly poisonous. Plant juices may also cause allergic skin reactions. Caution required if you have curious children or pets, I've never had a problem with them.
Plant Events from our members
lovesblooms |
On March 3, 2018 |
Seeds sown winter sown |
dnrevel |
On February 4, 2022 |
Obtained plant Winter Sowing in a jug. |
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