Plant Habit: | Herb/Forb |
Life cycle: | Perennial |
Sun Requirements: | Full Sun to Partial Shade |
Maximum recommended zone: | Zone 9b |
Plant Height: | 12-24 inches |
Flowers: | Showy |
Flower Color: | Green Purple White Bi-Color: colors may have blotches Other: Green |
Bloom Size: | 3"-4" |
Flower Time: | Late winter or early spring Spring |
Uses: | Provides winter interest Cut Flower |
Wildlife Attractant: | Bees |
Resistances: | Deer Resistant |
Toxicity: | Other: All parts of the plant can be highly toxic if ingested and can cause eye and skin irritation |
Propagation: Seeds: | Stratify seeds: Cold stratification may not be necessary but is usually recommended Other info: Hellebore seed may take 6-18 months (or more) to germinate |
Containers: | Suitable in 3 gallon or larger |
dorothythomas98 | From January 19, 2014 to March 31, 2014 | Bloomed |
MrsBinWY | On April 1, 2022 | Bloomed Several bloomed in the spring of 2022. Oddly, another one bloomed in July or so. |
MrsBinWY | On May 25, 2020 | Transplanted the "pink, green" seedlings: 3 near 'Bull's Eye' tulips by 'Eleanor Roosevelt' iris on 5-25-2020; 3 by Tava's Geum where peach tree was on 5-30-2020; 1 in scallop bed on north side of garage near Zinnia grandiflora on 6-11-20; 1 in front of melon hoop, west side of door on 6-14-20; 3 near original Weigela on 6-15-20; 3 near original painted daisies on 6-15-20; 7 in the bedroom rain garden near Plhox paniculata & Rudbeckia maxima on 6-15-20 |
MrsBinWY | On July 23, 2019 | Potted up 37 pots of the pink-green seedlings, a couple with two plantlets in them |
MrsBinWY | On July 16, 2019 | Potted up On 7-19-2019, potted up 2 seedlings (might have been the 'Red Racer' seedlings - they all perished, though). |
MrsBinWY | On April 6, 2019 | Seeds germinated 3 of the 23 showing |
MrsBinWY | On April 6, 2019 | Seeds germinated 1 of the 'Red Racer' seedlings emerging (there was a radical showing 12-1-18) |
MrsBinWY | On April 6, 2019 | Seeds germinated dozens of the "pink, green" seedlings up! |
MrsBinWY | On July 15, 2018 | Seeds sown 93 fresh seeds (pink, green) from NHJenDion's 2018 garden. Put in milk jug on back patio to mimic the seasons (warm stratification, followed by cold stratification). |
MrsBinWY | On July 14, 2018 | Seeds sown 100 fresh seeds, descendants of 'Red Racer,' from NHJenDion's 2018 garden. Put in milk jug on back patio to mimic the seasons (warm stratification, followed by cold stratification). |
MrsBinWY | On June 21, 2018 | Seeds sown 23 fresh seeds from NHJenDion's 2018 garden. Put in milk jug on back patio to mimic the seasons (warm stratification, followed by cold stratification). |
MrsBinWY | On February 3, 2017 | Seeds sown soak until swelling seen (+ H2O2), 27 seeds from LaLambchop1 ('Mixed Hybrids' from Chiltern Seeds for 2017); 3 months warm, 2 months cold: fridged 5-5-17, unfridged 7-8-17, jugged and put in cool basement 7-9-17 |
KelliW | On February 6, 2019 | Seeds sown #33, winter sown, seeds from bellaluna |
WebTucker | On January 25, 2022 | Bloomed |
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