General Plant Information (Edit)
Plant Habit: Shrub
Life cycle: Perennial
Sun Requirements: Full Sun
Full Sun to Partial Shade
Water Preferences: Mesic
Dry Mesic
Minimum cold hardiness: Zone 5a -28.9 °C (-20 °F) to -26.1 °C (-15 °F)
Maximum recommended zone: Zone 8b
Plant Height: 15 - 20 feet
Plant Spread: 8 - 10 feet
Leaves: Deciduous
Fruit: Showy
Other: Small (1/2 inch) red drupes are topped by showy deep pink calyces (whorls of sepals) that resemble flowers and last long into fall
Fruiting Time: Fall
Flowers: Showy
Flower Color: White
Bloom Size: Under 1"
Flower Time: Late summer or early fall
Underground structures: Taproot
Suitable Locations: Patio/Ornamental/Small Tree
Uses: Windbreak or Hedge
Provides winter interest
Flowering Tree
Wildlife Attractant: Birds
Resistances: Rabbit Resistant
Salt tolerant
Propagation: Seeds: Days to germinate: Germination of 0ne year old seeds in 3 weeks at room temperature.
Start indoors
Awards and Recognitions: RHS AGM
Other: 2008 Plant Select Winner
Conservation status: Vulnerable (VU)

Conservation status:
Conservation status: Vulnerable
Common names
  • Seven Son Flower
  • Autumn Lilac
  • Seven-Son Flower
  • Seven Sons Tree

Photo Gallery
Location: Nationale Plantentuin Meise (Meise Botanical Garden)
Location: my garden in St Louis
Date: 2023-10-15
Location: Northern New Jersey
Date: August 2004
In full sun
Location: Nationale Plantentuin Meise (Meise Botanical Garden)
Location: Chicago Botanical Garden
Date: 2016-10-18
Location: Northern New Jersey
Date: 2021-01-31
Bark color
Location: my garden in St Louis
Date: 2023-10-15
Location: Cleveland Botanical Gardens, Cleveland, Ohio
Date: 2013-09-13
The delicate white blooms will fall and leave behind the pretty p
Location: Willow Valley Communities Pollinator Garden, Willow Street, Pennsylvania
Date: 2022-09-10
Location: Hidden Lake Gardens, Tipton, Michigan
Date: 2020-10-28
Colors of fall foliage form a perfect backdrop for the pink bract
Location: RHS Hyde Hall, Essex, UK.
Date: 2022-08-09
Location: Cleveland Botanical Gardens, Cleveland, Ohio
Date: 2013-09-13
Use of Seven-Son Flower Tree in landscaping.  Captured at the pea
Location: St Louis - MoBOT
Location: Hessenhof (Nursery)
Date: 2022-10-29
Location: Willow Valley Communities Pollinator Garden, Willow Street, Pennsylvania
Date: 2022-09-10
Location: South Jordan, Utah, United States
Date: 2022-10-10
Developing fruit.
Location: At home
Location: At home
Location: Northern New Jersey
Date: 2018-09-23
Location: Joan M. Hardle Memorial Arboretum, Murray, Utah, United States
Date: 2023-05-23
Location: Northern New Jersey
Date: 2023-11-20
Same tree I posted in 2018
Location: Willow Valley Communities Pollinator Garden, Willow Street, Pennsylvania
Date: 2022-09-10
Location: Nationale Plantentuin Meise (Botanical Garden near Brussels)
Date: 2022-10-17
Location: South Jordan, Utah, United States
Date: 2021-08-31
Location: Washington
Date: 2016-05-18
Location: South Jordan, Utah, United States
Date: 2018-08-05
Location: My garden in Ontario, Canada
Date: 2021-11-07
Looking fabulous still in November
Location: My garden in N E Pa. 
Date: 2014-09-10
Location: South Jordan, Utah, United States
Date: 2018-08-18
Location: RHS Harlow Carr, Yorkshire UK
Date: 2022-10-11
Location: Willow Valley Communities Pollinator Garden, Willow Street, Pennsylvania
Date: 2022-09-10
Location: At home
Location: My garden in St Louis
Date: 2019-10-20
Location: Daylesford, Victoria, Australia
Date: 2018-02-10
Location: Ed Burton, NE Wisconsin
Date: 4000-01-03
Location: In my garden, Cottage-in-the-Meadow Gardens, South Amana, IA
Date: Late summer
Location: Calgary home
Date: 2014-08-06 
Location: Willow Valley Communities Pollinator Garden, Willow Street, Pennsylvania
Date: 2022-09-10
Location: Chicago Botanical Gardens
Date: 2017-10-18
Location: Chicago Botanical Gardens
Date: 2017-10-18
Location: Sandy, Utah, United States
Date: 2022-04-14
Location: Nationale Plantentuin Meise (Botanical Garden near Brussels)
Date: 2022-10-17
Location: My garden, Cottage-in-the-Meadow Gardens in South Amana, IA
Date: Winter 2010
Exfoliating bark
Location: Ed Burton, NE Wisconsin
Date: 2010-09-04
Location: My garden in N E Pa. 
Date: 2009-02-16
A light colored, peeling bark for winter interest.
Location: Alnwick garden, Northumberland UK
Date: 2008-09-16
Location: Hessenhof (Nursery)
Date: 2022-10-29
Location: South Jordan, Utah, United States
Date: 2018-10-31
Location: Clinton, Michigan 49236
Date: 2018-01-13
"Heptacodium miconioides, 2018, [Seven-Son Flower], Autumn Lilac
Location: Botanical Garden of the University of Münster
Date: 2017-09-19
Location: zone 5a NW Illinois
Date: 2014-08-21
Location: South Jordan, Utah, United States
Date: 2019-10-25
Location: RHS Harlow Carr, Yorkshire, UK
Date: 2020-09-05
Location: South Jordan, Utah, United States
Date: 2019-08-11
Location: Lincoln NE zone 5
Date: 2015-09-16
Attracks lots of bees and butterflies.
Location: Lincoln NE zone 5
Date: 2015-09-16
Bees love the blooms.
Location: My garden in N E Pa. 
Date: 2015-09-30
Sepals beging to turn red as soon as the fragrant white flowers f
Location: Ohio
Date: 2009-10-04
  • Uploaded by Val
Uploaded by stilldew
Location: BG Utrecht (The Netherlands)
Date: 2015-11-07
Location: South Jordan, Utah, United States
Date: 2018-10-01
Location: Hessenhof (Nursery)
Date: 2022-10-29
Location: Clinton, Michigan 49236
Date: 2015-08-27
"Heptacodium miconioides, 2015, Seven-Son Flower, Autumn Lilac ,
Location: Allentown, Pennsylvania
Date: 2015-04-19
You'd think it were dead if it weren't for the new growth miracul
Location: Lincoln, NE
Date: 2011-11-06
A real Monarch magnet
Location: Lincoln, NE
Date: 2011-09-11
Peeling bark
Location: Lincoln, NE
Date: 2011-09-11
Sweetly fragrant flowers in September
Location: Lincoln, NE
Date: 2011-09-12
Location: Lincoln, NE
Date: Early November
The calyx is retained and turns red in Autumn
Location: BG Utrecht (The Netherlands)
Date: 2015-11-08
Location: Washington
Date: 2015-10-25
Location: Cantigni Gardens in Wheaton, Illinois
Date: 2010-08-18
mature plant
Location: Tyler Arboretum near Media, Pennsylvania
Date: 2011-08-24
trunks and bark
Location: Hershey Gardens, Hershey, Pennsylvania USA
Date: 2019-08-25
Location: South Jordan, Utah, United States
Date: 2018-05-05
Location: Washington
Date: 2016-09-24
Location: Clinton, Michigan 49236
Date: 2015-08-27
"Heptacodium miconioides, 2015, Seven-Son Flower, Autumn Lilac ,
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  • Posted by jerseyridgearts (SW Louisiana - Zone 9a) on Aug 22, 2014 5:23 PM concerning plant:
    Although this tree (which was planted as a small mail order purchase) is described as tolerant in zones 5 through 9 (Missouri Botanical Garden site), it has shown extreme hardiness. It has withstood an open position in a rural northern zone 5, and it survived two growing seasons of significant drought without much supplemental watering and then a record-breaking winter that killed plants purported to be hardier. The bloom on the tree this year is spectacular. It makes a perfect addition to a mixed border perennial scheme with its interesting bark, nice glossy leaves, and delicate bracts of white flowers in August, providing true four-season interest.
  • Posted by ILPARW (southeast Pennsylvania - Zone 6b) on Sep 29, 2018 8:10 PM concerning plant:
    My biggest customer in West Chester, PA, a plant enthusiast, had one of this Seven-son Flower shrubs planted in her backyard, though it is surrounded and shaded by some other shrubs and a tree so that it is not an excellent specimen. Otherwise, I've just seen it at some arboretums and botanic gardens. The Arnold Arboretum in Boston, MA, supported the introduction of this species from China in 1980. I find this member of the Honeysuckle Family to be an interesting plant, but not really that lovely. Its white flowers are loved by bumblebees and some other pollinators.
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christine2 On June 1, 2010 Obtained plant
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