The Main Plant entry for Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum)

This database entry exists to show plant data and photos that apply generically to all Tomatoes.

General Plant Information (Edit)
Plant Habit: Vine
Life cycle: Perennial
Sun Requirements: Full Sun
Water Preferences: Mesic
Minimum cold hardiness: Zone 11 +4.4 °C (40 °F) to +7.2 °C (50 °F)
Plant Height: Varies greatly by species and cultivated variety.
Plant Spread: Varies greatly by species and cultivated variety.
Leaves: Other: Varies greatly by species and cultivated variety.
Fruit: Showy
Edible to birds
Fruiting Time: Other: Varies greatly by species and cultivated variety.
Flower Color: Yellow
Bloom Size: Under 1"
Flower Time: Other: Varies greatly by species and cultivated variety.
Uses: Vegetable
Suitable as Annual
Edible Parts: Fruit
Eating Methods: Raw
Resistances: Rabbit Resistant
Toxicity: Leaves are poisonous
Roots are poisonous
Propagation: Seeds: Self fertile
Other info: Direct sowing into the garden not recommended. Sow seeds into sterile seed starting mix, 1/8"-1/4" deep, indoors, 6-8 weeks prior to last expected frost date. Optimal germination occurs in 7-14 days with constant moisture and soil temperatures of 75-90F.
Propagation: Other methods: Cuttings: Stem
Pollinators: Self
Various insects
Containers: Preferred depth: Some tomato varieties, primarily dwarf and determinate varieties, are suitable for container gardening. Large, vining, indeterminate types can be grown in 5 gallon or larger containers but may require extra attention.

Common names
  • Tomato
Matching plants under this entry
  • Solanum lycopersicum
  • Lycopersicon esculentum
  • Lycopersicon lycopersicum
  • Solanum pimpinellifolium

Photo Gallery
Location: My garden
Date: September 2, 2017
Location: Zone 6b. 
Date: 2023-08-10
4 or 5 varieties on the kitchen table
Location: My Gardens
Date: September 3, 2014
Big Boy Slice & Sun Sugar F1 Cherry Tomatoes
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2017-09-06
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Date: 2022-08-22
Teardrop Cherry Tomatoes - Most Adorable
Location: Gardenfish garden 
Date: July 14 2021
Today’s assortment
Location: Gardenfish garden
Date: 2020-07-25
Prudens purple, actually a pink tomato
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2017
Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Date: 2021-08-04
Green Zebra, Pineapple, Chocolate Chestnut and more
Location: Gardenfish garden
Date: July 24 2021
Sunset bumblebee cherry
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Date: 2022-08-22
Sweet Pea Currant Tomatoes - simply delicious
Location: Gardenfish garden 
Date: July 14 2021
Sunset bumblebee
Location: Gardenfish garden 
Date: July 14 2021
Chefs Choice Yellow
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2017-09-01
A mix of smaller tomatoes.
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2013-08-19
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2016-09-15
Location: Near Tetovo
Date: 2021-08-29
Native breed "Yabuchar"(apple-like)
Location: Gardenfishgarden
Date: 2019-09-23
Purple bumble bee still going strong
Location: All pictures taken in/on my gardens/greenhouse/property
Date: 2018-06-19
First tie-up in tomato alley
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: August 2018
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2017-08-19
Mixed tomatoes.
Uploaded by wind
Location: Gardenfish garden
Date: August 15, 2019
Purple Bumblebee
Uploaded by kqcrna
Uploaded by sedumzz
Location: Gardenfish garden 
Date: July 14 2021
Bonnies Centennial
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2017-09-21
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2017
mixed tomatoes
Location: Gardenfish garden
Date: July 2021
Cherries, mostly sugar rush variety
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2017
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2017
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: July 2019
Location: Tarlton
Date: 2018-06-05

Date: 2017-09-08
Cherry Tomato Mix: Black Cherry, Fruit Punch, Super Snow White, A
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2013-08-17
Location: Indiana  Zone 5
Date: 2012-08-05
Location: My zone 8a north Georgia garden
Date: 2024-08-06
Tomato Fruit Worm infestation in late July / early August.  Preve
Uploaded by Newyorkrita

Date: 2017-08-12
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: September 2019
Tomatoes in the grass
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: October 2017
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: October 2017
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: October 2017
many colors
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: August 2019
mix of small tomatoes
Uploaded by ARoseblush
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2017
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2017
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: July 2019
Location: DISCLAIMER: This is an old photo from an old phone. I don't know why, but the photos look "deep fried". sorry about that.
Location: central Illinois
Date: 2011-10-11
close up
Location: Northeastern, Texas
Date: 2019-06-25
Brad's Atomic, Cherokee Purple, Mr. Stripey, Sungold, Jaune Flamm

Date: 2013-09-09
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2013-08-17
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2016
Location: My zone 8a north Georgia garden
Date: 2024-08-06
Severe infestation of Tomato Bacterial Speck.  Prevent with coppe
Location: King George, VA
Date: 2021-07-25
Location: Gardenfish garden
Date: August 12, 2019
Unknown variety
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: October 2018
Location: Gardenfish garden 
Date: 2020-07-25
Summer bounty
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2017-08-17
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: October 2017
many colors
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: October 2017
many colors
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: October 2017
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2016-07-25
not ripe
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2017-05-29
mix of tomatoes
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2017-09-15
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2015-07-25
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2017

Yellow-green seedlings to left and right, green seedling in the m
Location: Aberdeen, NC
Date: April 30, 2022
Betterboy tomatoes #5vg, LHB p. 869, 178-2- "Greek for wolf peach
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2013-08-19

Date: 2017-09-08
Location: central Illinois
Date: 2011-10-11
Location: Northeastern, Texas
Date: 2019-06-27
One Glossy Rose Blue sitting among the Sungold cherries
Location: central Illinois
Date: summer 2006

Date: 2015-03-25
seedling emerged with no leaves!
Uploaded by Newyorkrita
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2013-08-05
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2013-08-02
Location: South Florida
Date: Summer 2011
Everglades tomatoes... tiny but sweet and delicious!
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2015-08-18
paste type tomatoes
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2015-08-18
A bunch of different types of tomatoes.
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2013-09-05
Uploaded by pestee45
Location: zone 8/9 Lake City, Fl.
Date: 2012-02-10
tiny seeds of S. pimpinellifoium
Location: Gardenfish garden 
Date: July 6 2021
100 assorted cherry tomatoes picked this morning
Location: Fairfax, VA | October 2022
Location: King George, VA
Date: 2021-07-25

Date: 2017-08-07
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2017-08-24
mixed tomatoes

Date: 2015-10-12
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: October 2017
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: October 2017
Location: Arkansas
Date: 2019-08-06
Tomato jungle
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: October 2017
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2013-09-13
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: September 2019
a mix of different tomatoes

Albino seedling among normal ones

Date: 2013-10-24
Small heirloom tomatoes
Uploaded by robertduval14
Uploaded by keithp2012

Random variegated seedling
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2013-08-13
square raised tomato bed

Date: 2014-11-16
Photo courtesy of: Alex E. Proimos

Date: 2015-03-25
closeup of Albino seedling

Date: 2015-03-25
albino seedling among normal colored ones
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2013-08-05

Date: 2015-03-25
Leucistic seedling (lighter than normal color)
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2013-07-05
cherry and grape tomatoes
Location: South Florida
Date: Summer 2011
Solanum pimpinellifolium: Tiny and sweet tomatoes, but the plant
Location: Indiana  Zone 5
Date: 2012-08-05
unripe fruit
Location: central Illinois
Date: 2008-07-27

photo credit: VIDITI

Date: 2017-08-12
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2013-07-03
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2013-07-03
Green tomatoes not yet ripe.

Tomato seedling transplanted to the garden.
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2013-09-19
Location: Plano, TX
Date: 2017-06-16
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2016-03-31
Seedling tomato plants ready to plant out.

Date: 2015-10-12

Date: 2010-11-28
Solanum pimpinellifolium
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2015-06-03
Regular and potato leaf seedlings.
Location: Pleasant Grove, Utah
Date: 2011-07-24
Waiting for a ripe one...
Location: central Illinois
Date: 2016-10-01
Location: Pleasant Grove, Utah
Date: 2011-07-24
Over 6 feet tall
Location: Pleasant Grove, Utah
Date: 2011-07-04
Plants have just started to set fruit....
Location: zone 8/9 Lake City, Fl.
Date: 2012-02-06
Solanum pimpinellifolium
Location: zone 8/9 Lake City, Fl.
Date: 2012-02-06
Solanum pimpinellifolium
Location: Long Island, NY 
Date: 2016-08-10
A box of heirloom tomatoes.
Location: zone 8/9 Lake City, Fl.
Date: 2012-02-06
young S. pimpinellifolium plant

Freaky seedling with 3 leaves that are part albino and top leaf i

Closeup of albino seedling

There are 3 more images of this plant. Click to view them.

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  • Posted by RickCorey (Everett WA 98204 - Zone 8a) on Oct 21, 2011 8:09 PM concerning plant:
    Here's a list of some tomato varieties said to ripen unusually early, and/or to have unusual cold tolerance.

    For example, in the PNW, 'Oregon Spring' can be planted four weeks before the last frost, and needs protection only when there's frost.

    These were compiled by reading and comparing descriptions, with frequent reference to the Territorial Seed Company catalog that ranks tomato performance in Cottage Grove, Oregon.

    Determinate varieties ("DET") spread laterally, may not need stakes or trellises, and ripen "all at once". Indeterminate varieties (INDET) grow vertically, need trellises, and ripen over the whole season.

    I'd appreciate corrections, additions and comments.


    'Glacier' - ultra-early, cold-tolerant, SEMI-DET
    'Stupice' - ultra-early, cold-tolerant, compact DET
    - - - Not a heavy fruit bearer, and the fruit splits for some
    'Northern Delight' - ultra-early, "for the Far North", 2' DET
    'Beaverlodge' series - ultra-early, compact DET, containers (not sure about cold tolerance)


    'Manitoba' - extra-early, cold-tolerant, 3'-4' DET, "Canadian for colder climates"
    'Matina' - extra-early, INDET, "dependable even in cold/wet summers"
    - - - early and flavorful and bore a lot of fruit over a long period.
    'Sub-Artic Plenty' - extra-early, "Canadian", DET
    'Oregon Spring' - extra-early, very cold-tolerant, "plant 4 wks before last frost
    - - - & protect only when there's frost"
    Sophie's Choice: Heirloom from Edmonton, Canada, by Carolyn Male in 1997.
    - - - Extra early, flavorful. 2' DET vines suited to containers.
    - - - 6-12 ounce globes red-orange outside and deep red flesh. Strong disease resistance.
    - - - Not heat-tolerant or drought-tolerant. Best production in cooler climates.


    'Early Wonder' - extra-early, 3'-4' SEMI-DET, med red globe
    'Siletz' - extra-early, reliable, DET, 4"-5" red
    'Ildi' - extra-early, yellow grape pear, 8'-10' INDET
    'Gold Nugget' - extra-early, 2-3' DET, bland yellow cherry
    'Sungold' F1 - extra-early, 4'-8' INDET, containers, orange cherry
    - - - tends to split for me


    'Yellow Plum' - early, productive even in cold, 4'-6' INDET, yellow cherry
    'Bloody Butcher' - early, cool climate, 4'-6'
    'Maskabec' - early, 18"-36" DET, 4-6 oz. red globe
    'Golden Rave' (hybrid) - early, gold Roma plum6'-8' INDET
    'Husky Cherry Red' - early, semi-DET or dwarf INDET
    'Sub Artic Cherry' - early, DET, pink, "developed in Alberta for short seasons"
    'Early Cascade' - (hybrid but seems pretty true) - early, short-summer, PNW,
    - - - "reliable: sets fruit in any climate", red-orange


    'Marmande' - semi-early, cool climate, med-large red beefsteak type, full flavor
    'Early Girl' (hybrid) - semi-early, med red globe, flavorful
    - - Early Girl isn't very flavorful nor does it produce over a long period of time
    'Santa Cherry' / 'Santa Sweets' - mid-season, tolerates cool summers, 4'-8' INDET
    'Morden Yellow' - mid-late, Canadian for colder climates, 2'-3' DET, med yellow globe

  • Posted by flaflwrgrl (North Fl. - Zone 8b) on Sep 29, 2011 8:26 PM concerning plant:
    Solanum pimpinellifolium is a Florida native tomato. Native to south Florida & the Everglades, iIt will take the intense heat of Florida summers & still produce fruit. It is also more drought resistant than your average tomato. The fruit is tiny, about the size of a dime & just perfect for popping into your mouth or into salads whole. They are quite sugar sweet.
  • Posted by Marilyn (Kentucky - Zone 6a) on May 23, 2013 11:27 PM concerning plant:
    "The tomato is consumed in diverse ways, including raw, as an ingredient in many dishes and sauces, and in drinks. While it is botanically a fruit, it is considered a vegetable for culinary purposes (as well as by the United States Supreme Court, see Nix v. Hedden), which has caused some confusion. The fruit is rich in lycopene, which may have beneficial health effects.

    Because of the long growing season needed for this heat-loving crop, several states in the US Sun Belt became major tomato-producers, particularly Florida and California. In California, tomatoes are grown under irrigation for both the fresh fruit market and for canning and processing. The University of California, Davis (UC Davis) became a major center for research on the tomato. The C.M. Rick Tomato Genetics Resource Center at UC Davis is a gene bank of wild relatives, monogenic mutants and miscellaneous genetic stocks of tomato. The Center is named for the late Dr. Charles M. Rick, a pioneer in tomato genetics research. Research on processing tomatoes is also conducted by the California Tomato Research Institute in Escalon, California.

    In California, growers have used a method of cultivation called dry-farming, especially with Early Girl tomatoes. This technique encourages the plant to send roots deep to find existing moisture in soil that retains moisture, such as clayey soil.

    Tomatoes grow well with seven hours of sunlight a day. A fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 5-10-10 is often sold as tomato fertilizer or vegetable fertilizer, although manure and compost are also used."

    Taken from wikipedia's page at:

  • Posted by Newyorkrita (North Shore, Long Island, NY ) on Sep 8, 2013 11:26 AM concerning plant:
    Nothing beats the taste of a home grown tomato fresh from your own vegetable patch. For this reason tomatoes are the number one vegetable grown by home gardeners. So many varieties to choose from. I grow my favorite cherry tomatoes, salad types and slicing tomatoes each year. My parents grew tomatoes when I was a child and I will always grow my own also.
Plant Events from our members
dragonfetti On February 1, 2015 Seeds germinated
One tray all 16 seeds sprouted; the other tray covered in mold.
dragonfetti On January 29, 2015 Seeds sown
American Seed 'Beefsteak' tomatoes two 8 cell jiffy pot trays, 2 seeds in each cell.
dragonfetti On November 21, 2014 Plant Ended (Removed, Died, Discarded, etc)
The frost last week took out the 'Bib Boy' although it still had blossoms and green fruit. Harvested several tomatoes of the other two but today the vines are toasted. Still have blossoms and green tomatoes on them. Will make 'aphid tea' from the leaves and send the rest to the "Earth Machines".
dragonfetti On June 11, 2014 Obtained plant
Given three plants by neighbor; mini pear, cherry, and 'Big Boy.'
Georgegrowstomatoes On April 6, 2020 Plant emerged
Plants began emerging - first plant began to grow second leaves by week's end.
Georgegrowstomatoes On March 29, 2020 Seeds sown
Planted tomato plants in seed pots of 3.
WebTucker On April 4, 2022 Transplanted
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Tomato review 2021 by dnrevel Dec 4, 2021 11:51 AM 0

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