Plant Habit: | Vine |
Life cycle: | Perennial |
Sun Requirements: | Full Sun |
Water Preferences: | Mesic |
Minimum cold hardiness: | Zone 11 +4.4 °C (40 °F) to +7.2 °C (50 °F) |
Plant Height: | Varies greatly by species and cultivated variety. |
Plant Spread: | Varies greatly by species and cultivated variety. |
Leaves: | Other: Varies greatly by species and cultivated variety. |
Fruit: | Showy Edible to birds |
Fruiting Time: | Other: Varies greatly by species and cultivated variety. |
Flower Color: | Yellow |
Bloom Size: | Under 1" |
Flower Time: | Other: Varies greatly by species and cultivated variety. |
Uses: | Vegetable Suitable as Annual |
Edible Parts: | Fruit |
Eating Methods: | Raw Cooked |
Resistances: | Rabbit Resistant |
Toxicity: | Leaves are poisonous Roots are poisonous |
Propagation: Seeds: | Self fertile Other info: Direct sowing into the garden not recommended. Sow seeds into sterile seed starting mix, 1/8"-1/4" deep, indoors, 6-8 weeks prior to last expected frost date. Optimal germination occurs in 7-14 days with constant moisture and soil temperatures of 75-90F. |
Propagation: Other methods: | Cuttings: Stem |
Pollinators: | Self Various insects |
Containers: | Preferred depth: Some tomato varieties, primarily dwarf and determinate varieties, are suitable for container gardening. Large, vining, indeterminate types can be grown in 5 gallon or larger containers but may require extra attention. |
There are 3 more images of this plant. Click to view them.
dragonfetti | On February 1, 2015 | Seeds germinated One tray all 16 seeds sprouted; the other tray covered in mold. |
dragonfetti | On January 29, 2015 | Seeds sown American Seed 'Beefsteak' tomatoes two 8 cell jiffy pot trays, 2 seeds in each cell. |
dragonfetti | On November 21, 2014 | Plant Ended (Removed, Died, Discarded, etc) The frost last week took out the 'Bib Boy' although it still had blossoms and green fruit. Harvested several tomatoes of the other two but today the vines are toasted. Still have blossoms and green tomatoes on them. Will make 'aphid tea' from the leaves and send the rest to the "Earth Machines". |
dragonfetti | On June 11, 2014 | Obtained plant Given three plants by neighbor; mini pear, cherry, and 'Big Boy.' |
Georgegrowstomatoes | On April 6, 2020 | Plant emerged Plants began emerging - first plant began to grow second leaves by week's end. |
Georgegrowstomatoes | On March 29, 2020 | Seeds sown Planted tomato plants in seed pots of 3. |
WebTucker | On April 4, 2022 | Transplanted |
Thread Title | Last Reply | Replies |
Tomato review 2021 by dnrevel | Dec 4, 2021 11:51 AM | 0 |