General Plant Information (Edit)
Plant Habit: Herb/Forb
Life cycle: Perennial
Sun Requirements: Full Sun
Full Sun to Partial Shade
Water Preferences: Mesic
Minimum cold hardiness: Zone 5a -28.9 °C (-20 °F) to -26.1 °C (-15 °F)
Maximum recommended zone: Zone 10b
Plant Height: 12-15 feet
Plant Spread: 10-12 feet
Leaves: Unusual foliage color
Other: Large, paddle shaped leaves, 2 feet wide and 6 feet long.
Fruit: Showy
Other: 2 to 4 inch long, yellowish-green, inedible fruits contain numerous black seeds. Plant can be overwintered in a pot and kept growing, which is the only way it can be made to fruit in northern regions as it requires 12-24 months of warmth to bloom.
Flowers: Showy
Flower Color: Yellow
Other: Cream to yellow
Bloom Size: Over 12"
Flower Time: Other: Seasonal. Bloom can occur in any season depending on size of plant and climate.
Underground structures: Rhizome
Resistances: Humidity tolerant
Propagation: Other methods: Division
Stolons and runners
Containers: Suitable in 3 gallon or larger
Needs excellent drainage in pots
Miscellaneous: Monoecious

Common names
  • Japanese Hardy Banana
  • Japanese Fiber Banana
  • Banana
  • Basho
  • Japanese Banana

Photo Gallery
Location: z6a MA, my garden
Date: 2013-10-02
Several pups have been removed from this 3 year old clump.
Location: Middle TN
Date: September 7, 2017
Location: Fort Washington Maryland
Date: 2021-10-02
This is a picture of me standing in front of my banana tree. I am
Location: Sandhills Horticultural Gardens Southern Pines, NC (Visitor center)
Date: 2022-09-14
Japanese hardy banana, Musa basjoo # 111 nn; LHB p. 285, 38-1, "F
Location: Lithuania
Date: 2020-10-29
Location: My greenhouse, Florida
Date: 2020-02-19
The bananas are small and inedible. These have been on the plant
Location: Middle Tennessee
Date: 9/8/2011
Growing in zone 6
Location: South Jordan, Utah, United States
Pseudostem cross-section.
Location: oregon
Date: summer 2011
Location: Opp, AL  Z8b
Date: 2023-03-08
Location: western Oregon
Date: summer 2013
Location: Botanical Garden of the University of Münster
Date: 2017-09-19
Location: My greenhouse, Florida
Date: 2019-09-17
This has been on the tree for months
Location: Hood, Alabama 
Date: 2022-08-02
Location: Pacific Northwest, zone 8
Date: 2014-06-07
Photo taken at Al's Garden Center, Woodburn, Oregon

Date: 2016-08-21
Photo courtesy of Santa Rosa Gardens. Used with permission.
Location: Middle TN
Date: October 4, 2017
Location: Stamford CT
Date: 2006-09-24
Location: KALAMA WA
  • Uploaded by Joy

Date: 2019-08-31
Location: all photos from my gardens
Date: 2018-07-09
Location: Middle Tennessee
Date: 9/20/2011
a young musa basjoo
Location: z6a MA, my garden
Date: 2013-04-30
Pad with straw mulch and plastic just removed. Most crowns do fin
Location: New York City Area
Date: 9/1/18
Uploaded by Araceae
Location: Hidden Hills CA zone 10b
Date: 2014-05-31
very young plant - just received - in 4" pot

Photo courtesy of Joy Creek Nursery
  • Uploaded by Joy
Location: Middle Tennessee
Date: 2014-07-29

 Photo Courtesy of Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. Used with permissi
  • Uploaded by Joy

Credit florum

Credit florum

Credit florum
Uploaded by Araceae
Uploaded by pinkiris
Location: Middle Tennessee
Date: 2012-05-07
young leaves in Spring
Location: My yard in Middle Tennessee
Date: 2014-09-22
In the early morning sun
Location: Plano, TX
Date: 2009-06-04
Young plant
Location: Plano, TX
Date: 2009-06-04
Unfortunately I don't have this plant anymore.
This plant is tagged in:
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  • Posted by agreenerside (Quantico maryland - Zone 7b) on Sep 3, 2015 7:53 PM concerning plant:
    Survived the coldest recent winter of -3f with only a sheet of plastic over it, which in reality does not thermally insulate. It only allows it to leaf out earlier and sheds water away from the crown, which is beneficial so that it will not rot.
    They love nitrogen and "moisture" to go along with it. I gave copious amounts of blood in midsummer and was rewarded with rich green leaves. Urea is very efficient also. The only time I've seen these struggle is when they dry out or lack nitrogen.
    As their crown rises to the surface each growing season, there is more winter exposure to surface freezing on the mother plant, which may result in only pups arising in spring.
    Makes a great sacrifice to the first frost and may even put out another new leaf before first freeze
  • Posted by lauribob (N Central Wash. - the dry side - Zone 5b) on Jul 14, 2019 11:26 AM concerning plant:
    I was able to successfully overwinter this plant for a few years in my zone 5 garden with heavy mulching and a couple feet of snow to insulate it. The problem I had was that it's just too windy here for it, even on the lee side of the house. The leaves always ended up getting shredded and looking awful. It never attained any height to speak of in our short growing season. I decided it wasn't worth it after a few seasons.
  • Posted by eclayne (Pioneer Valley south, MA, USA - Zone 6a) on Nov 22, 2011 9:15 PM concerning plant:
    To overwinter, in early to mid November I cut the pseudo-stem(s) to about 1' above the ground. Create a mulch pile of straw to about 2'H x 6'W. Place a plastic sheet over the pile large enough (about 3x3') to cover the p-stems, then add leaves and more straw to about 3'H. I'll add more straw a few weeks later after the pile has settled. A finished pile 3'H x 6' diameter worked for me. This may be overkill for my zone.
  • Posted by JRsbugs (Near Lincoln UK) on Dec 1, 2011 4:35 PM concerning plant:
    Basjoo gave up the ghost for me in the UK, even kept inside over winter! After a couple of cold summers with temperatures mostly between 14-16C I guess it didn't have the will to grow and flourish, bananas stop growing at those temperatures.

    I still have a lone Musa sikkimensis I grew from seed which is hanging on, it does better although it's not that great, I bring it inside over winter now I'm down to one. If we have warmth in spring that does help if put in a greenhouse but springs of the last few years have been lousy too, at times 4-6C in April. Spring often doesn't roll on until three weeks into April, then it can be sporadic.

    USDA zones don't reflect the growing season or maximum temperatures, they only reflect the expected minimum which puts us in zone 8a although every 20 to 30 years we get an exceptionally cold winter as we had last winter with temps. at or below freezing for 7 weeks and down to -17C at night.

    The tall and short of it is you need a good long season and more warmth than we get for any Musa to grow and survive.
Plant Events from our members
WebTucker On September 14, 2022 Obtained plant
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Discussion Threads about this plant
Thread Title Last Reply Replies
Beautiful clump by eclayne Oct 13, 2011 4:20 PM 7
I need some tips on where to plant my Banana trees. by makap Oct 9, 2013 11:17 AM 3
size by jmorth Nov 9, 2013 10:01 PM 3
Tree cross section? by WebTucker Sep 17, 2022 7:28 PM 2

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