Plant Habit: | Shrub |
Life cycle: | Perennial |
Sun Requirements: | Full Sun Full Sun to Partial Shade |
Water Preferences: | Wet Mesic Mesic Dry Mesic |
Soil pH Preferences: | Very strongly acid (4.5 – 5.0) Strongly acid (5.1 – 5.5) Moderately acid (5.6 – 6.0) Slightly acid (6.1 – 6.5) Neutral (6.6 – 7.3) Slightly alkaline (7.4 – 7.8) |
Minimum cold hardiness: | Zone 4a -34.4 °C (-30 °F) to -31.7 °C (-25 °F) |
Maximum recommended zone: | Zone 8b |
Plant Height: | 3-10 feet |
Plant Spread: | 3 feet, spreading by suckering. |
Leaves: | Good fall color Deciduous Fragrant Other: Alternate host to white pine blister rust and should not be planted in white pine areas. |
Fruit: | Edible to birds |
Fruiting Time: | Late spring or early summer Summer |
Flowers: | Showy Fragrant |
Flower Color: | Red Yellow Other: Flowers are initially golden yellow, but turn reddish with age. |
Bloom Size: | Under 1" |
Flower Time: | Spring Late spring or early summer |
Underground structures: | Rhizome |
Suitable Locations: | Beach Front Espalier |
Uses: | Windbreak or Hedge Erosion control Groundcover Vegetable Will Naturalize Suitable for forage |
Edible Parts: | Fruit |
Eating Methods: | Raw Cooked |
Wildlife Attractant: | Bees Birds Butterflies |
Resistances: | Deer Resistant Rabbit Resistant Fire Resistant Humidity tolerant Drought tolerant Salt tolerant |
Propagation: Seeds: | Stratify seeds: Seeds may be fall sown or stratified. Stratify for three months. Relatively good germination of golden currant seeds was obtained by stratification at -2.2–2.2 degrees C for 60 days without scarification. Days to germinate: A wet prechill of 60 to 90 days at 28 to 36 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) is often sufficient to reduce embryo dormancy. Seeds should be fall planted to provide a cold, moist period for maximum germination. Depth to plant seed: 0.25 inches deep on a firm, weed free seed bed. Suitable for wintersowing Other info: Seeds retain good viability for 5 to 17 years if stored cool and dry in sealed containers. |
Propagation: Other methods: | Cuttings: Stem Other: Take softwood cuttings in June or July. These root well when treated with hormone and placed under mist. |
Pollinators: | Other: The flowers are somewhat self-compatible, but the style and anthers are physically separated in individual flowers. However, it requires insect cross-pollination to set a satisfactory crop. Moths and Butterflies Birds Bees Various insects |
Containers: | Suitable in 3 gallon or larger Needs excellent drainage in pots Not suitable for containers |
Miscellaneous: | Tolerates poor soil Monoecious |
Awards and Recognitions: | Other: Nebraska GreatPlants Award |
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