Plant Habit: | Shrub |
Life cycle: | Perennial |
Sun Requirements: | Full Sun to Partial Shade |
Water Preferences: | Wet Mesic Mesic Dry Mesic |
Soil pH Preferences: | Slightly acid (6.1 – 6.5) Neutral (6.6 – 7.3) Slightly alkaline (7.4 – 7.8) |
Minimum cold hardiness: | Zone 3 -40 °C (-40 °F) to -37.2 °C (-35) |
Maximum recommended zone: | Zone 8a |
Plant Height: | 4 to 5 feet |
Plant Spread: | 4 to 6 feet |
Leaves: | Good fall color Deciduous |
Fruit: | Edible to birds Other: 1/3 inch, shiny, globose green berries, maturing to black. Each berry contains numerous seeds. |
Fruiting Time: | Late summer or early fall Fall |
Flowers: | Showy |
Flower Color: | Other: Pale, creamy yellow to greenish-white |
Bloom Size: | Under 1" |
Flower Time: | Spring Late spring or early summer |
Edible Parts: | Fruit |
Eating Methods: | Raw Cooked |
Wildlife Attractant: | Bees Birds Butterflies |
Resistances: | Flood Resistant Humidity tolerant |
Pollinators: | Various insects |
Miscellaneous: | Monoecious |
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