Data specific to Lettuces (Edit)
Lettuce Type: Looseleaf

General Plant Information (Edit)
Plant Habit: Herb/Forb
Life cycle: Annual
Sun Requirements: Full Sun
Water Preferences: Mesic
Leaves: Other: Grown for its edible leaves. Dense ball of green oak leaves. Mild and sweet, heat tolerant. 50 days to maturity.
Uses: Vegetable
Salad greens
Propagation: Seeds: Self fertile
Needs specific temperature: 40F to 75F. Fastest from 60F to 70F.
Days to germinate: 2-15
Depth to plant seed: 1/8 inch deep
Sow in situ
Start indoors
Can handle transplanting
Other info: Lettuce almost never cross-pollinates. It has perfect flowers and usually self-pollinates before opening. 46 DTM. OP variety.
Pollinators: Self

Victory Seed Company sells seeds of 'Green Ice'.

Common names
  • Lettuce

  • Posted by farmerdill (Augusta Georgia - Zone 8a) on Mar 27, 2014 6:10 PM concerning plant:
    Not a big fan of leaf lettuce, but this one is much better than usual.
  • Posted by abhege (Grantville, GA - Zone 8a) on Jan 5, 2014 8:55 PM concerning plant:
    When I was growing up, we always grew Black Seeded Simpson leaf lettuce, and even though I ate it, I was never really a fan unless it was drenched in salad dressing. Of course, being a kid, I didn't know there were other kinds of leaf lettuces. I just associated all leaf lettuce with Black Seeded Simpson.

    When I started having my own garden, I started trying new varieties and that is when I ran across Green Ice. It changed my whole outlook on leaf lettuce! Green Ice has a frilly edge, is a lighter green and, most importantly to me, it has a thick, crunchy rib that gives it a texture I associate with crisp head lettuces. I still grow Black Seeded Simpson, along with several other varieties of leaf lettuce, but Green Ice is my all-time favorite. I have even made converts when selling at market because of the crunchiness of Green Ice leaf lettuce. Green Ice also is slower to bolt and turn bitter than some other leaf lettuces.
Plant Events from our members
chelle On April 25, 2015 Seeds sown
In large container - same one as last year.
lovesblooms On March 16, 2020 Seeds sown
direct (DIY seed mat)
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