keithp2012 said:
Why is rose of Jericho listed under Anastatica hierochuntica on this site??
DaisyI said:
Because that's what it is.
They roll around in the desert for 100 years or so, find a puddle of water and unfurl. Wait for rain to release the seed. The seed germinates, grows, flowers and rolls up in a ball (seeds stored away safely) and waits for the next mud puddle.
I can't imagine the appeal of a plant that spends its entire life looking and acting dead.
keithp2012 said:I got seeds for this plant.
I tried two methods: soaking the plant and placing outside on a humid, rainy day. Both made the plant open and exposed the seeds. The seeds quickly turn from brown to yellow-brown and swell overnight after being exposed to water. I sprinkled some outside in regular potting soil and kept moist, one sprouted a root but never had leaves emerge, the rest so far just swelled but never sprouted. I am going to try growing indoors like cacti, a plastic container covered with clear Plastic Wrap and kept moist constantly and humid under a grow light.