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May 20, 2012 12:25 PM CST
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Name: Jelinda AKA jojoe Ivey
Thomson,Ga. (Zone 8a)
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I have a Jade plant my 4 year old grandson calls it my fingers plant.He says if anyone loose's a finger mom mom has a bunch of extra one's Rolling on the floor laughing .

Do succulents in general like being pot bound or root bound?? Most of my plants do (Hoya's,Epie's,holiday cactus etc...).I potted this plant last summer after the puppy ate a few fingers then managed to get the plant out of it's pot.It recovered beautifully.I had little pieces of quartz under it, preventing soil splashing on the "fingers", I removed them after it had been in so much rain & found some roots at the top,pulled plant from pot & found roots wrapped around soil enough that the soil came out the shape of the pot.

My elephant bush,still in the first pot after I rooted it.Also came out of it's pot with roots wrapped around the outside of the soil.I am assuming this means root bound,but it wasn't "really bad" no roots were coming out of drainage holes or anything drastic.

Last question i bought a small jade plant when re-potting found 3 plants in the pot.I re-potted the same way.If i want each of these to grow big when should they be put into separate pots?
Are these jade's the kind that get big,the tag said baby jade plant??
Now a picture show
1st. is fingers

then the elephant bush

Thumb of 2012-05-20/jojoe/a9d591
then the 3 jades in 1 pot

Thumb of 2012-05-20/jojoe/8f5e54
I have noticed some spots on the jade's,could it be from having all 3 in the 1 pot.

Thumb of 2012-05-20/jojoe/274895
I did get a picture of this bug is it a good or bad bug

Thumb of 2012-05-20/jojoe/d7459c

Thank you for just reading my questions that went on & on!!! I tip my hat to you. I am fairly new to succulents but if i'm going to grow them it should be done with some knowledge and I've found a lot of that here.

A green thumb comes only as a result of the mistakes you make while learning to see things from the plants point of view!!
May 20, 2012 9:41 PM CST
Name: tarev
San Joaquin County, CA (Zone 9b)
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From my experience with cacti and succulents that I have, the roots grow very shallow, so consider potting them in smaller containers. As to being pot bound, it takes awhile before the roots fill up, so it is hardly a problem. The main thing to really consider is to plant them in fast, well draining soil.

The jade plants will grow for a long time in its present container. I have a jade plant given to me by aunt and I have potted it in its container since late 2009 and it is happy in it. I notice that the trunk of the plant really gets quite big and quite happy staying there. The jade plant she gave me is a mature older plant, so I have to plant it in a bigger container in consideration of the existing root mass it already has.

Hmm on that photo of yours with a bug..that bug looks like a mealy bug..cotton swab with alchol to remove it. They suck the juice of your plants.

This is the trunk of my jade plant..see how the trunk has grown wide, being a succulent it stores water there and on its leaves, so it really can forego watering for awhile. At times I give it one very heavy watering once a month. By heavy watering, soaking the soil/root area very well, till water runs out from under, then leaving it alone.

Thumb of 2012-05-21/tarev/2b4228
Avatar for drewtoby
May 22, 2012 10:48 AM CST

We have two succulents sharing a deep pot, but their roots are very shallow and still hold a pot like shape. I would keep them potted.
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