Greetings and welcome to the thread specifically for random photos of Other People's Livestock, because I need one

and, this being the sandbox, also included are Odd Portraits of Life, because that pretty much includes other random photos that might be homeless elsewhere on this site.
As some of you know, I have a fondness for critters and I've recently been attempting to photograph birds
The thread "Bird Photos and Chat 2019" in
Gardening for Butterflies, Birds and Bees forum
They are not nearly as easy to find, nor as cooperative as other people's livestock, so, I have, camera in hand, naturally taken photos of critters right there in front of me for the taking, generally after the bird flies away. Can't help it.
That was mama Yak, to start the thread. Taken last spring. Here's baby Yak
Alas, it is winter now, so on to the snowy backdrops with spotted horses