We are going to have a wonderful garden party!!!

Welcome to the garden Everyone!
I don't grow Gandalf the Grey but it is lovely, Hippie!
Leslie, I grow a lot of indoor plants that spend the summer outdoors. I think the iris foliage lends a lot of beauty indoors even when they are not in bloom.
Elsa, it is more commonly called the walking iris but is species Neomarica. The name walking iris was given because the bloom stems keep growing after the little bloom wilts and eventually the stem bends over to the ground and starts a new plant. I put pots of soil under these bending stalks and as soon as the roots grab the soil I cut the stem and another plant is born. The name 12 Disciples was given because the iris almost always grows 12 leaves in a fan before a bloom stalk forms. Yes, I count the leaves.
@TBGDN, you are mainly responsible for this garden party.

You began posting last year as my irises finished their spring bloom season and your fellowship kept me from moping. So, bring it on.!
It will be a slow start as the heavy frosts overnight are making the irises pout. I keep checking the little stalks progress and they are just creeping along..... but they are still there.