I live in NJ on a Christmas Tree Farm and much of the farm is all Christmas Trees, so I keep my favorites in Containers and move them in and out of the greenhouse when the seasons change. Here are a few of my favorites. Beside my feed barn I have the Jasmine, Snake plants, Lenten Rose, curly willow and Tea Olive by the birdbath.
This has been on the East deck for over a month and is still very pretty.
More Pansies for early color on East deck
Large pots in Barnyard look like this.
Strike It Rich Rose on South Deck
Sunsprite Rose on South Deck
I would be totally lost without containers considering I am 90 years old and limited in my actual gardening. It is the perfect way to garden for older or disabled people also.
My entire vegie garden is also in containers...enjoy your day. God Bless!