Hi Arturo. I just wasn't certain, if the online catalogue, differed much, from what is in print, that's sent out..The Norfolk Botanical Garden, in Norfolk, VA. has the Austin roses & wish I'd been able to get to go & see them there, as it is only about 45 minutes away, near the airport ! Although the catalogue in front of me, was from 2014, it didn't list any in South America, which I found it rather surprising, yet they have them even in Japan & one in Osaka, opened in 2012. & there are gardens, of them in, New Zealand & Australia besides some in European countries , many in the U.S & of course U.K.
In the Database, I noticed, ( I think 'Eglantyne' ?) has a parent listed as perhaps, The Mary Rose.. & thought maybe it can be useful to you, to see parentage, listed here. That is one example I could think of...
While, with some others they suggest, may be allowed to grow larger, instead of pruning back, & others more suitable for growing in a big pot, such as 'Princess Anne' & 'Darcy Bussel'. Sure do wish I had at least one of the books, 'The English Roses' or 'The Rose' by the hybridizer, himself. Discussing which ones are described for best effect, in the garden, & other, including information on their cultivation & well illustrated, at that .
Maybe you can look online, to see how they use them in some Gardens, listed, such as in Spain, at the Jardin de Iris, Berissa, Alicante, or,, at the Quando Fioriranno le Rose, Asissi , in Italy!
Sure do want to add more, but that may not be, until next spring, 2020 .