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May 10, 2019 9:02 PM CST
Thread OP

Bee Lover Peonies Hummingbirder Dahlias Cat Lover Garden Photography
Region: California Butterflies Bookworm Birds Roses Photo Contest Winner 2018
It's been a cool spring with a lack of strong sun but here are some of the better blooms so far! Hurray!
James Galway's first bloom.
Thumb of 2019-05-11/AnnKNCalif/086822
Jubilee Celebration is just opening up.
Thumb of 2019-05-11/AnnKNCalif/3a511d
Reine des Violettes is usually a dark purple but she's a bit paler in color this year.
Thumb of 2019-05-11/AnnKNCalif/98cd63
Young Lycidas
Thumb of 2019-05-11/AnnKNCalif/d483eb
Thumb of 2019-05-11/AnnKNCalif/87deef
Thumb of 2019-05-11/AnnKNCalif/67f210

If you're a David Austin rose lover, I hope you liked these!
May 10, 2019 9:22 PM CST
Name: Zuzu
Northern California (Zone 9a)
Region: Ukraine Charter ATP Member Region: California Cat Lover Roses Clematis
Irises Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Plant Identifier Garden Sages Plant Database Moderator Garden Ideas: Master Level
Wonderful photos, Ann.
May 10, 2019 10:36 PM CST
Thread OP

Bee Lover Peonies Hummingbirder Dahlias Cat Lover Garden Photography
Region: California Butterflies Bookworm Birds Roses Photo Contest Winner 2018
Thanks Zuzu! 😊🌹
May 10, 2019 11:57 PM CST
Name: Carol
Alberta, Canada (Zone 3b)
Wowza!!! It's funny how the incomparable Evelyn pales in beauty compared to your other Austins! Yes, your Evelyn is lovely...but your Jubilee Celebration is insanely beautiful!!! Drooling Your Eglantyne is a dream!!! Lovey dubby Your Young Lycidas is incredible...mine never looked anywhere near that lovely. In fact, I'm tossing it this year. Your RdV is Oh my good grief glorious!!! Lovey dubby And your James Galaway is a frothy mix of loveliness!!! Oh my!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 11, 2019 5:53 AM CST
Name: Merlena
Oklahoma (Zone 6b)
Beautiful pictures Ann!
May 11, 2019 7:21 AM CST
Name: Mike Stewart
Lower Hudson Valley, New York (Zone 7a)
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Photo Contest Winner 2020 Garden Photography Roses Bulbs Peonies
Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Dog Lover Cat Lover Birds Enjoys or suffers cold winters Region: New York
James Galway is one of my favorite Austins!
May 11, 2019 11:12 AM CST
Name: Ken Wilkinson
N.E. GA. (Cornelia) (Zone 7b)
Bee Lover Hummingbirder Region: Georgia Frugal Gardener Dragonflies Daylilies
Cat Lover Bulbs Butterflies Birds Roses
Great photo's. I really like the color's in Jubilee Celebration. Beautiful blending.
It's a rose!!! It has nothing to do with life and death.
May 11, 2019 4:29 PM CST
Name: seil
St Clair Shores, MI (Zone 6a)
Garden Photography Region: Michigan Roses
They're all beautiful, Anne! I hope to see blooms like that on my Jubilee Celebration this year!
Avatar for Plumeriagirl
May 12, 2019 6:45 AM CST
Name: Jin
Orlando, Fl (Zone 9b)
Ann, they all look beautiful . I absolutely love DA.
Avatar for hampartsum
May 12, 2019 12:39 PM CST
Name: Arturo Tarak
Bariloche,Rio Negro, Argentina (Zone 8a)
Dahlias Irises Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Roses
Anne you might find surprising that my Jubilee Celebration has still a very late bloom on the bush ( very pale apricot though but quite fragrant) and yet more to come....possibly my latest DA. shrub. I found redenning hips on my Evelyn. If I succeed I will defintely try DA children ! Even my outside rose garden is reluctant to say good by to the season. Smiling . Very mild and complaints : though Hilarious!
Jun 19, 2019 9:28 PM CST
Name: Shawn S.
Hampton, Virginia (Zone 8b)
Annuals Butterflies Dahlias Irises Morning Glories Orchids
Peonies Region: United States of America Zinnias
Hi Arturo. Are you almost into winter time, now? I'm about to start feeding my Austin's to get them going & headed in the right direction, as I'm already getting impatient to see some newer growth, to get some flowers, going on mine !
I don't know if you get the Austin Catalogue, but that may help you out, with understanding, some of the growth characteristics, of certain ones, that may tend to act more like climbers, or kept in bounds & pruned, according to how you want it to grow..

The print catalogue mentions, some of them, by name, as I recall.. If you'd like me to look any of them up for you .., if it isn't the same as online. The printed version, has a list, of Botanical gardens, that grow them in various parts of the world, also .jlmk Shawn S.
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Jun 20, 2019 5:38 AM CST
Name: Arturo Tarak
Bariloche,Rio Negro, Argentina (Zone 8a)
Dahlias Irises Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Roses
@ShawnSteve, Thank You! very much. I don't have access to a printed DA catalog. I do have full access to HMF where DAs are regularly added. Both those that are presently in trade and those that are no longer sold by DA themselves.
A month later from my previous post... Its still quite warmish, although we did have two hard frosts and twice some passing snow. Just only a day before the winter solstice, we are very far from entering winter here this year! Two Lady Emma Hamilton bushes still have half open blooms. My Evelyn produced three very late blooms. Strange.... Shrug!
I would love to have a botanical garden nearby to visit. In fact any publicly viewable garden that carries a rose collection. None to my knowledge, lest that of the DAs. Perhaps that may become the destination of my collection when I depart... Crossing Fingers! Nothing compares better than seeing the plant in flesh doing its thing! Sighing! For the time being this is my present limitation....(amongst others as well... Smiling )
Thank you for your offer though. I really appreciate it.
Jun 20, 2019 7:01 AM CST
Name: Shawn S.
Hampton, Virginia (Zone 8b)
Annuals Butterflies Dahlias Irises Morning Glories Orchids
Peonies Region: United States of America Zinnias
Hi Arturo. I just wasn't certain, if the online catalogue, differed much, from what is in print, that's sent out..The Norfolk Botanical Garden, in Norfolk, VA. has the Austin roses & wish I'd been able to get to go & see them there, as it is only about 45 minutes away, near the airport ! Although the catalogue in front of me, was from 2014, it didn't list any in South America, which I found it rather surprising, yet they have them even in Japan & one in Osaka, opened in 2012. & there are gardens, of them in, New Zealand & Australia besides some in European countries , many in the U.S & of course U.K.
In the Database, I noticed, ( I think 'Eglantyne' ?) has a parent listed as perhaps, The Mary Rose.. & thought maybe it can be useful to you, to see parentage, listed here. That is one example I could think of...
While, with some others they suggest, may be allowed to grow larger, instead of pruning back, & others more suitable for growing in a big pot, such as 'Princess Anne' & 'Darcy Bussel'. Sure do wish I had at least one of the books, 'The English Roses' or 'The Rose' by the hybridizer, himself. Discussing which ones are described for best effect, in the garden, & other, including information on their cultivation & well illustrated, at that .
Maybe you can look online, to see how they use them in some Gardens, listed, such as in Spain, at the Jardin de Iris, Berissa, Alicante, or,, at the Quando Fioriranno le Rose, Asissi , in Italy!
Sure do want to add more, but that may not be, until next spring, 2020 .
Jun 20, 2019 7:15 AM CST
Name: SoCal
Orange County (Zone 10a)
Lazy Gardener or Melonator
Beautiful pictures! I have a James Galway but I'm not sure they are as beautiful as your picture.
Jun 20, 2019 7:31 AM CST
Name: Shawn S.
Hampton, Virginia (Zone 8b)
Annuals Butterflies Dahlias Irises Morning Glories Orchids
Peonies Region: United States of America Zinnias
I've wanted to get one of that 'Galway, for years ! I ended up getting 'Harlow Carr' instead, but sure didn't regret having it & those spectacular flowers, it had produced, for me .
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Jun 20, 2019 8:21 AM CST
Name: Arturo Tarak
Bariloche,Rio Negro, Argentina (Zone 8a)
Dahlias Irises Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Roses
@ShawnSteve and @SoCalGardenNut.
I certanly appreciate your comments. I do have the Mary Rose as well as Eglantyne growing here. I'm ready to get any DA rose whether new or already discontinued. This year's placed order includes: The Shepherdess, Dove, Emanuel. One of the nurseries that I rely upon has four new ( for the country) DA's . These jumped up into high priority for next season.: Princess Alexandra of Kent, Olivia Rose Austin, Lady of Shalott, The Poet's Wife. I do have a listing made by searching HMF members in my country, plus both neighboring ones m( Uruguay and Chile) from where at some time I might get cuttings from other DAs that are no longer under protection. All in all, I might add about 20 more new DA's to my yard. The newer varieties need to be imported, a feat almost impossible to tackle by a private collector like myself... Sighing! So I must feel happy with what I've got at present. Meanwhile I enjoy vicariously what others are achieving in their gardens either through the postings here at the RF or beyond in places like HMF, and other blogs that feature roses mainly ( in whatever language they post). After all the images speak of themselves.... Smiling So I'm going to Internet visiting to those gardens in Spain and Italy. DA has a beautiful garden featured in northern France, which is worth visually visiting.:
and I found the Spanish garden :
These visual visits just whet my appetite for what I would some day want to reach. Mine is a mediterranean climate, but on an higher elevation ( close to 2600 ft). My farm, is 2.5 hectares (6.2 acres) which allows for a lot types of plants. My gardening goals are ambitious ; however if I'm given the strength and health to pursue them then gradually my dreams will come true... Smiling
All along gardening has helped me to slowly regain this; the benefits greatly exceed that of the gardens themselves... Smiling Thus whatever others have accomplished elsewhere is a great source of inspiration. Thank you for your input! I tip my hat to you. Thank You!
Jun 20, 2019 8:51 AM CST
Name: Shawn S.
Hampton, Virginia (Zone 8b)
Annuals Butterflies Dahlias Irises Morning Glories Orchids
Peonies Region: United States of America Zinnias
No problem, Arturo. I'm sure other growers of D. Austin roses enjoy, not just conversation about them, but some photos & links to them , too. The one's in Japan, are these gardens locations; Ecorin Village near Sapporo ( known ,for the beer !), Kani Park, in Gifu,
The English Rose Garden ,Senna, in Osaka, & Millenium Forest, Tokachi, Hokkaido.

Yes, we may consider them "modern" in one respect, but "old fashioned' or old rose, (English) garden style & that's what I like about them. Besides, , some can be done by cuttings, now, also. Sorry, it isn't so easy for you, to obtain brand new kinds. Maybe that will change, some day, & you will get to enjoy newer one's...But even from Austin's, there isn't anything much, until spring of 2020, to even begin ordering from there, again !

The nearest garden center had 'Mollineaux', but at $42, I figured, I could have three, by mail order, for less than the price of two, locally ! Besides, I liked the selections I made, better. Although I may check back later on, to see if any others are available, that may get shipped in late.
Last edited by ShawnSteve Jun 20, 2019 8:52 AM Icon for preview
Jun 21, 2019 12:52 AM CST
Name: Carol
Alberta, Canada (Zone 3b)
Arturo - Thank You! Thank You! for the link to that French rose garden and castle!!! I sent that to my daughter as she loves castles!!! That was inspirational!!

ShawnSteve - that's the price of roses here too! Expensive! But I still buy them. Whistling

Well, it's still raining here...but in a brief lull I went outside to look at my roses. All of the bushes are still small...but there are buds on almost all of them!! Yay!! Hurray!
Jun 21, 2019 5:47 AM CST
Name: Shawn S.
Hampton, Virginia (Zone 8b)
Annuals Butterflies Dahlias Irises Morning Glories Orchids
Peonies Region: United States of America Zinnias
Carol, one of the nice things about being in a more moderate climate, ( as in warmer!) is that most of these love the "heat", while some are mentioned for colder areas, by name, which can be helpful, though not really, if it's not on the list (but want it) & you are on a colder zone ! Some, are listed as more shade tolerant & other's for larger sized pots, so, I planted 'Eglantyne' in a big old pot ! Always can "move it' later.. Do you have the list , for cold tolerant Austin's ? If not, I'd be happy to provide that, to you.

Arturo, that must be frustrating about trying to get proper papers for importing, into your Country. Strangest thing is, in U.S. we can legally send plants, by "export', using the Post Office & simply mail things out. It didn't ever really seem to be a problem, when used to trade, with others in England, as they were more agreeable, to allowing plants, to be received. Maybe, it is about Agricultural crop safety, as California & Florida, have some strict regulations, about "plants" importation, in some cases, even between States. Not that bugs or insects, recognize "State lines" & may fly or crawl right over
Jun 21, 2019 10:53 AM CST
Name: Carol
Alberta, Canada (Zone 3b)
Shawn - I do not have much luck with Austins for some reason. They don't like my care of them. I have a few left...the one that does the best for me is Bishop's Castle. It thrives in its pot. Believe me, I've gone through quite a lot of Austins. D'Oh! But, thank you!

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