I had this bug in my garden last year. First time I ever saw it. He's back and twice the size as last year.
I asked the question last year what the bug was and it's an EYED ELATER. Definition below:
Alaus oculatus can reach a length of about 25–45 millimetres (1.0–1.8 in).[1] They have an elongated body, black in colour throughout. The pronotum exhibits a large oval patch of darker scales, framed in white, on each side - the common name of the beetle derives from this feature. The elytra are striated and mottled with silvery whitish scales.[1][2][3] The "false eyes" depicted on the pronotum are a defensive adaption designed to confuse or frighten potential predators. Like all click beetles, A. oculatus is also capable of suddenly catapulting itself out of danger by releasing the energy stored by a click mechanism, which consists of a stout spine on the prosternum and a matching groove in the mesosternum.[4]
If it would have catapulted itself at me when I took the picture I would have freaked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's Gypsy Romance he's sitting on and it is a very big bloom. I'd say he was pretty close to the 1.8" size. YUCK