Jun 25, 2020 9:17 PM CST
Name: Debbie
Manitoba, Canada (Zone 3a)
Amaryllis Dog Lover Dragonflies Foliage Fan Hostas Houseplants
Native Plants and Wildflowers Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Enjoys or suffers hot summers Daylilies Critters Allowed Annuals
That's a beauty!
Jun 29, 2020 10:52 AM CST
Name: Ron
Modi'in Israel (Zone 11a)
Peruvian Lily (Eucrosia bicolor)

Thumb of 2020-06-29/sangel/5ee775

started to bloom
Jul 5, 2020 12:33 PM CST
Name: Rj
Just S of the twin cities of M (Zone 4b)
Forum moderator Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Plant Identifier Garden Ideas: Level 1
Picotee blooms, only 2" across

Thumb of 2020-07-05/crawgarden/7f6eff
As Yogi Berra said, “It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”
Avatar for bumplbea
Jul 5, 2020 3:23 PM CST
(Zone 9a)
Bulbs Native Plants and Wildflowers Spiders! Solar Power Hibiscus Hydrangeas
Peonies Hummingbirder Houseplants Hostas Keeps Horses Zinnias
The leaves are growing on the amaryllis grown from Xmas..
Jul 5, 2020 3:26 PM CST
Name: Rj
Just S of the twin cities of M (Zone 4b)
Forum moderator Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Plant Identifier Garden Ideas: Level 1
As Yogi Berra said, “It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”
Jul 6, 2020 4:56 PM CST
Name: Ken Isaac
Bountiful, Utah, USA (Zone 7a)
Since this is blooms AND CHAT:
I guess this is an appropriate place for this post? I found these videos from Hadeco interesting for the harvest process (2020,) and fascinating for the drone flyover of the blooming Amaryllis fields (1999) in South Africa. You might have all seen them!

2020 (harvesting, washing, grading, and cutting for a stem count!)

1999 (drone flyover and blooming fields)
Owner: Bountiful Exotics Nursery
Follow me at
Avatar for bumplbea
Jul 6, 2020 5:31 PM CST
(Zone 9a)
Bulbs Native Plants and Wildflowers Spiders! Solar Power Hibiscus Hydrangeas
Peonies Hummingbirder Houseplants Hostas Keeps Horses Zinnias
kenisaac .. Really enjoyed those videos. Acres and acres of amaryllis. Lovey dubby Never seen so many blooming amaryllis of every color and variety. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! I can't wait til next oct time to plant amaryllis from last Xmas.
Jul 6, 2020 6:52 PM CST
Name: Debbie
Manitoba, Canada (Zone 3a)
Amaryllis Dog Lover Dragonflies Foliage Fan Hostas Houseplants
Native Plants and Wildflowers Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Enjoys or suffers hot summers Daylilies Critters Allowed Annuals
I agree Thank you Ken for posting those wonderful videos! I've never seen such big bulbs and roots and those fields of blooms; wow! Just think, our single bulbs were one of those millions. Thinking
Last edited by DebbieC Jul 6, 2020 6:53 PM Icon for preview
Jul 7, 2020 2:14 AM CST
Name: Warren
Essex UK (Zone 8a)
Amaryllis Region: United Kingdom
Listening to the first music/song and seeing those happy workers, somehow reminded me of this.......
Last edited by wibbly Jul 7, 2020 2:14 AM Icon for preview
Jul 7, 2020 8:37 AM CST
Name: Christie
Central Ohio 43016 (Zone 6a)
Plays on the water.
Amaryllis Permaculture Sempervivums Roses Bookworm Annuals
Composter Hybridizer Cat Lover Garden Ideas: Master Level
@wibbly - thanks for the giggle! nodding
Plant Dreams. Pull Weeds. Grow A Happy Life.
Jul 7, 2020 9:11 AM CST
Name: Christie
Central Ohio 43016 (Zone 6a)
Plays on the water.
Amaryllis Permaculture Sempervivums Roses Bookworm Annuals
Composter Hybridizer Cat Lover Garden Ideas: Master Level
@kenisaac great videos! Thank You!
Plant Dreams. Pull Weeds. Grow A Happy Life.
Jul 8, 2020 4:39 AM CST
Name: Warren
Essex UK (Zone 8a)
Amaryllis Region: United Kingdom
cwhitt said:@wibbly - thanks for the giggle! nodding

I tip my hat to you. I often watch it when I want a quick laugh!
Aug 6, 2020 10:03 AM CST
Name: Ron
Modi'in Israel (Zone 11a)
Hippeastrum x johnsonii added one more bloom in the middle of the summer, strange Crying Confused Blinking

Thumb of 2020-08-06/sangel/57830f
Aug 12, 2020 7:48 AM CST
Europe (Zone 7a)
Hello everyone...
Heres mine in the making Hurray!

Thumb of 2020-08-12/JelenaV/bcddfd

Already bloomed but anyway Rolling my eyes. .And I did cut the stick...I want to cut all the leafs in maybe november/december and I want to take it from the pot and cut roots...And then what???
Should I repot it and put it inside(cool room with poor light) and take it out in the spring again...
Or should I put only bulb in dark spot for a few months and than plant it the spring???
Aug 13, 2020 12:15 AM CST
Name: Ron
Modi'in Israel (Zone 11a)

you do not have to cut roots and leaves
you can transfer it to a pot with all the leaves and roots. Leaves will die by itself and bulb be dormant through the winter
Aug 13, 2020 4:26 AM CST
Europe (Zone 7a)
Ok I will do that.Thank you 🙂
Aug 13, 2020 9:03 AM CST
Name: Christie
Central Ohio 43016 (Zone 6a)
Plays on the water.
Amaryllis Permaculture Sempervivums Roses Bookworm Annuals
Composter Hybridizer Cat Lover Garden Ideas: Master Level
Correct - do not cut the leaves - let them die back. As they die, nutrients in the leaves will go back down into the bulb, that is the reason for not cutting the leaves. And just leave the roots alone. If you want, you can just put the bulb in a darker/cooler area for the winter and then pot it in the spring, or plant it outdoors again in spring.
Plant Dreams. Pull Weeds. Grow A Happy Life.
Aug 13, 2020 11:38 PM CST
Name: Ron
Modi'in Israel (Zone 11a)

P.S. what is your minimum winter temperature and what type of amaryllis you have ?
Some of them can survive is some of down 0 C temperatures ?

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  • Replies: 297, views: 16,453
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