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Aug 31, 2019 11:49 AM CST
Name: Zuzu
Northern California (Zone 9a)
Region: Ukraine Charter ATP Member Region: California Cat Lover Roses Clematis
Irises Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Plant Identifier Garden Sages Plant Database Moderator Garden Ideas: Master Level
The updating has begun! Some of the "Sold Out" signs are disappearing, so they'll probably continue working on the update all day today.

Orders for the new season will start being taken on September 9th, 9:00 a.m. EST.

Threads like this one tend to get lost in the shuffle unless they have a thumbnail photo, so the thumbnail for this one is one of my favorite Palatine purchases from several years ago.

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Aug 31, 2019 2:06 PM CST
Name: Porkpal
Richmond, TX (Zone 9a)
Cat Lover Charter ATP Member Keeper of Poultry I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Dog Lover Keeps Horses
Roses Plant Identifier Farmer Raises cows Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Garden Ideas: Level 2
That rose should be sufficiently eye-catching to keep the thread on top.
Aug 31, 2019 3:29 PM CST
Name: Zuzu
Northern California (Zone 9a)
Region: Ukraine Charter ATP Member Region: California Cat Lover Roses Clematis
Irises Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Plant Identifier Garden Sages Plant Database Moderator Garden Ideas: Master Level
WooHoo! Pirouette is back and the Barock climber is a rose I've wanted for years and years. I also slept through Augusta Luise last year, so I'm glad to have another chance to get it. I've already chosen my nine, but I'll wait to post my list until I'm sure they've finished with the updating.
Aug 31, 2019 7:11 PM CST
Zone 9, Sunset Zone 9 (Zone 9b)
OK Zuzu, how do you pronounce the name of the beautiful rose that you posted?

Thanks for posting this. Got to check out the website!
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Aug 31, 2019 7:37 PM CST
Name: Porkpal
Richmond, TX (Zone 9a)
Cat Lover Charter ATP Member Keeper of Poultry I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Dog Lover Keeps Horses
Roses Plant Identifier Farmer Raises cows Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Garden Ideas: Level 2
Yes, please! I was going to ask the same thing.
Aug 31, 2019 7:38 PM CST
Name: Zuzu
Northern California (Zone 9a)
Region: Ukraine Charter ATP Member Region: California Cat Lover Roses Clematis
Irises Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Plant Identifier Garden Sages Plant Database Moderator Garden Ideas: Master Level
I think it's Polish and I don't speak Polish, but it's probably Voy-che-hov-ski.
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Sep 1, 2019 1:32 PM CST
Northern MO (Zone 6a)
'Barock' and 'Black Caviar' have my interest! I don't think I have room for the latter though, and can I really squeeze in another climber? But those red-black blooms! And HMF says 'Barock' can be used as a pillar rose! Ooo, 'Garden Sunshine'! Why am I a sucker for yellows?!

Do you think their listing is finalize, or is there a chance they'll add more before the 9th? I wanted 'Midnight Mystique', but dithered too long (actually I was responsible and tried to get everything in the pot ghetto planted before ordering more) and it was sold out.
Sep 1, 2019 1:52 PM CST
Name: Zuzu
Northern California (Zone 9a)
Region: Ukraine Charter ATP Member Region: California Cat Lover Roses Clematis
Irises Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Plant Identifier Garden Sages Plant Database Moderator Garden Ideas: Master Level
I'm not sure whether they've finished updating. They still haven't listed any U.S. prices or U.S. shipping rates.

I'm also wondering about their note that orders will start to be taken at 9:00 am EST. As far as I know, Ontario is on daylight saving time until November 3rd, so do they mean EDT? It matters only because I'm on Pacific Daylight Time, which would be only two hours earlier (7:00 am) than EST, but three hours earlier (6:00 am) than EDT. It would be so disappointing to set the alarm for 6:00 and then have to wait an hour to start ordering.
Sep 1, 2019 10:07 PM CST
Name: Zuzu
Northern California (Zone 9a)
Region: Ukraine Charter ATP Member Region: California Cat Lover Roses Clematis
Irises Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Plant Identifier Garden Sages Plant Database Moderator Garden Ideas: Master Level
Still no U.S. prices or shipping rates. I do hope they're still selling roses to us.

On the assumption that shipping still will be the same price for up to 9 roses, here's my list of 9.

Augusta Luise
Butterfly Kisses
Chartreuse de Parme
Elfi von Dassanowsky
Emma Haftl
Henri Matisse
Sep 2, 2019 12:24 AM CST
Name: Carol
Alberta, Canada (Zone 3b)
Hmmmmm....I thought Palatine was going to offer Austins this year? And they were supposed to offer Brad Jalbert's super fragrant Magnifi-scent. Darn.

Anyway, I'm thinking of getting these:

1. Buxom Beauty - replacement
2. Emma Haftl - if it's fragrant
3. Zaide - replacement
4. Stephen's Big Purple - replacement

Does anyone know if Emma Haftl is wonderfully fragrant?

Zuzu - check this out for the time change

You have some great roses there! You'll really love Augusta Luise!!!! Lovey dubby Lovey dubby Lovey dubby
Sep 2, 2019 12:47 AM CST
Name: Carol
Alberta, Canada (Zone 3b)
Oh...another rose beside Emma Haftl that I'm wondering about is Black Caviar. Has anyone grown this or seen it? What do you think of it? Especially fragrance.
Oooh...also Earth Angel?
Should I make a new thread for my questions?

Thank You!
Last edited by Canadian_Rose Sep 2, 2019 1:16 AM Icon for preview
Sep 2, 2019 1:57 AM CST
Name: Zuzu
Northern California (Zone 9a)
Region: Ukraine Charter ATP Member Region: California Cat Lover Roses Clematis
Irises Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Plant Identifier Garden Sages Plant Database Moderator Garden Ideas: Master Level
No, you don't have to take your questions to a new thread. We don't stand on ceremony here. Besides, you're asking questions about Palatine roses.

Palatine used to offer Austins. I got Summer Song from Palatine in 2009. They stopped carrying Austins a long time ago.

I know how to calculate time changes. I'm just wondering why Palatine says they'll start taking orders at 9:00 EST when they're still going to be on EDT until November. Do they mean EDT or EST? It will make a difference in our calculations.

Earth Angel is highly fragrant, small enough to be grown in a container, and gorgeous!

Black Caviar looks good and is said to be fragrant, but some of the comments on HMF suggest that it might be too big to grow in a container. One person said it climbs to about 3 meters and another said it's 4.5 feet wide.
Sep 2, 2019 8:35 AM CST
Name: SoCal
Orange County (Zone 10a)
Lazy Gardener or Melonator
I did order Earth Angel from J&P this year.
Last edited by SoCalGardenNut Sep 2, 2019 8:38 AM Icon for preview
Sep 2, 2019 11:05 AM CST
Name: Carol
Alberta, Canada (Zone 3b)
Zuzu - I guess I'm remembering wrong...I thought someone mentioned them getting Austins again. No worries. Thumbs up I guess the best thing you could do is shoot Palatine a message. They're good about answering. Yeah, I was thinking about Earth Angel...but I've read comments that it balls in wet weather...and based on this summer... Rolling on the floor laughing I don't think it will do well. I must have missed that..or forgotten about it...3 meters for Black Caviar. no can do. Thanks so much!! Lovey dubby
Sep 2, 2019 12:01 PM CST
Name: Carol
Alberta, Canada (Zone 3b)
I'm also thinking of getting Garden Sunshine. Jalbert has mentioned that Garden Sunshine has strong anise fragrance. Whereas helpmefind and here says medium. I may go for it anyway.
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Sep 2, 2019 4:05 PM CST
Name: Margie
NY (Zone 7a)
Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Photo Contest Winner 2020 Garden Ideas: Level 1
"New" roses are showing up on their website. Perhaps there are others in other categories.
Observe, observe, observe
We are fortunate to "see" & appreciate nature in ways others are blind.
Sep 2, 2019 6:30 PM CST
Name: Zuzu
Northern California (Zone 9a)
Region: Ukraine Charter ATP Member Region: California Cat Lover Roses Clematis
Irises Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Plant Identifier Garden Sages Plant Database Moderator Garden Ideas: Master Level
Oh, you're right. I'm really tempted to buy Soul Sister. I like it so much that I've already bought three, from three different nurseries, but all of them are own-root roses. A grafted one could be just the ticket!
Sep 2, 2019 7:38 PM CST
Name: Carol
Alberta, Canada (Zone 3b)
Margie - yeah, I noticed that too!

Zuzu - must be good if you want 4 of them!

So, I'm getting (probably will change Whistling it always does!)

1. Buxom Beauty - rebuy
2. Emma Haftl
3. Zaide - rebuy
4. Garden Sunshine
5. Soeur Emmanuelle
Sep 2, 2019 7:55 PM CST
Name: Zuzu
Northern California (Zone 9a)
Region: Ukraine Charter ATP Member Region: California Cat Lover Roses Clematis
Irises Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Plant Identifier Garden Sages Plant Database Moderator Garden Ideas: Master Level
Carol, all I really wanted was one really good one. The Soul Sister I originally bought from Chamblee arrived as a tiny little stick and it's still a tiny little stick three years later and has never bloomed. I then bought one from ARE last year, and it did bloom but the canes are wispy and weak. I then bought one from J&P because I assumed it would be grafted. Alas, it was also an own-root rose. Palatine is my last resort. I'm so happy at least one good nursery hasn't jumped on the own-root bandwagon.
Sep 3, 2019 12:03 AM CST
Name: Carol
Alberta, Canada (Zone 3b)
Oh, I see. Yes, I hope that you get a really good one from them. Sounds like this rose really resonates with you, and you really want it. Crossing Fingers! Palatine produces awesome I'm sure that the 4th time's the charm.

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