I don't know how many of you remember Tonny. He used to be quite active on Dave's Garden in the early 2000s. He was especially interested in the effects of nutrient components on Brugs. A few years ago he published an e-book with photos that illustrated nutrient deficiencies or too much of the same and what the effects looked like. His information was awesome.
OH>>> Veronica... thanks for posting this notice...
Tonny was a dedicated and interested grower of the brugmansia mysteries..
I saw the file for his E-Book on Brugmansias in my computer the other day and thought of him then.. thinking if i ever made a european loop scouting brug centers I'll enjoy visiting there..
RIP Tonny
Hearing Tonny's name takes my mind back in time almost 10 years to when the brugmansia people were deeply fractured and infighting between the groups was the norm. Tonny was one of the people at the very center of it, but he demonstrated that he was more level-headed than most of the others. I really appreciated his ability to be reasonable and to see things from others' points of view, and he was one of the few people who got their membership reinstated at DG after having previously been removed. He really impressed me as a person.
I'm sorry to hear that he has died, and at such a young age.