My spring pea plants are long done and afew days ago I just got around to ripping them out so I could use the space to plant a crop of Fall Peas in their spot. I planted Planted Green Arrow garden peas, Swiss Giant Snow Peas and Sugar Star Sugar Snap Peas the other day.
Then today I got back to my planting peas project. Yesterday it rained all day so I got nothing done but today it is just beautiful, I got back to working . First I tore out all the Spanish Mucica pole beans as I need the space for peas. Wouldn't have torn out beans for peas but I tried these beans for the first time this year and hated them. From now on will stick to Blue Lake Pole Beans which I am also growning.
Anyway, planted SUPER SUGAR SNAP and MAMMOTH MELTING SUGAR where those beans used to be. Then I planted NORLI peas in another spot. I still have CASCASIA SNAP and MAMMOUTH MELTING SNOW PEAS that are not planted yet and I don't have any engery left to do them today.