Oct 28, 2019 7:02 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Jayce
Indiana (Zone 5a)
Amaryllis Garden Photography Lilies Moon Gardener Tropicals
Thumb of 2019-10-29/JayZeke/6a5351
Lily Variety?

I was given these by a friend today but, she didnt say if i should put them in soil or leave them out. If she pulled them out this year will they grow in a container??
Oct 28, 2019 7:06 PM CST
Name: Joshua
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (Zone 10a)
Köppen Climate Zone Cfb
Plant Database Moderator Forum moderator Region: Australia Cat Lover Bookworm Hybridizer
Orchids Lilies Irises Seed Starter Container Gardener Garden Photography
Hi Jay,

I've split your post out into a new thread, as it's preferable that each question has its own thread.

Yes, those are Lilies (Liliums) and need to be replanted soon. You can plant them in a pot as long as it's big enough and well-draining. Lilies like to have 4 to 6 inches of soil above the top of the bulb (and more below the base of the bulb) for their root system.
Plant Authorities: Catalogue of Life (Species) --- International Cultivar Registration Authorities (Cultivars) --- RHS Orchid Register --- RHS Lilium Register
My Notes: Orchid Genera HTML PDF Excel --- Lilium Traits HTML PDF --- Lilium Species Crosses HTML PDF Excel --- Lilium Species Diagram
The current profile image is that of Iris 'Volcanic Glow'.
Oct 28, 2019 8:17 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Jayce
Indiana (Zone 5a)
Amaryllis Garden Photography Lilies Moon Gardener Tropicals
Ok, Thank you!
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  • Started by: JayZeke
  • Replies: 2, views: 171
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