One other thing I may as well mention here! My peace lily is in a terra-cotta pot now because it was not doing well in a ceramic one. When I first got my peace lily back in May, I put it in a nice ceramic pot. But weeks would go by after watering and the soil would still be soaking wet. However, the leaves were wilting so I assumed it needed water, but the soil was still very wet?? So I would wait for it to dry, but it would take so long. By the time the soil was mostly dry, it was all droopy and wilting. So I watered it again, and it perked back up, but the cycle would start all over again. I couldn't water it when it was still wet because I didn't want to over water, but if I waited for it to dry it was wilting. The biggest problem with this is I started to have fungus gnats. Lots of them. So this was a disaster, and so many of my lily's leaves fell off. Some leaves were dried, and some were soggy. So I never knew if I was over watering or under. I battled with this all summer lol. At first I changed the soil but it still didn't help, so eventually I got a terra-cotta pot after finding out it helps dry soil faster. And ever since my peace lily has been thriving!! It has grown SO many new leaves the past 2 months it's crazy. And the fungus gnats are gone! BUT I have to water it almost every 2 days because it dries out so much quicker. And if I miss a day the leaves start to brown, as you might see in the pictures above. I can't win with this plant!