My last request for a color description was so successful that I would love your help again on describing the new, but promising, seedling. It bloomed for the first time this year with 2 fans but with a good bud count and branching which I hope will only improve with time and with a color that I think is good.
I love reading these descriptions, I am so poor at it. I could never describe something so well. I think daylilly99 was wise to ask for help on the descriptions. I see everything in the description when looking at the bloom of the photos, but I could never have put the named colors "watermelon and cerise" in my description...I might have been able to describe the white watermark, but I would not have thought to mention the extension of the watermark on the sepals nor that it was more pronounced on the sepals. Good job Robin!
RobinSeeds said:This looks like Watermelon with Cerise veining to me. Green star throat with a yellow halo bleeding into a slight, white watermark.
Wonderful job at describing this daylily, Robin! Sure hope you can help me someday with color descriptions.
Tim, that was a good one! You got me! I actually went back to the picture to look for spent blooms that look like cute pups and kittens. I bet I can sell a lot more plants if I have you and Robin on my team!
Before I even started reading anyone's response, the very first word out of my mouth was WATERMELON. Definitely watermelon plus all the other things Robin said.
Very beautiful bloom and I'm sure it's even better in real life.