Fuchsias are in general cool weather plants and require shade. Hot, high temps in summers and full sun will burn the tender leaves and the plant will shrivel while others cannot survive cold winter temps. Some fuchsias are hardy enough to plant in gardens depending on the zone required for the plant. For example in some zones fuchsias have many cold hardy varieties which can remain outside year round as in my zone 8 they are cold tolerant thru winter. Other fuchsias are tender plants do not over winter well.
Different zones require different growing requirements for fuchsia plants. Zone 10 for example if you are planting fuchsias outdoors then google fuchsias that will grow in zone 10. Many growers in your area will have them available at nurseries. And they are easy to propagate.
Many varieties are not heat or cold tolerant . Some can be grown inside in pots or on a cool covered porch during summers. There are misting systems that can be attached to hoses and placed around a porch that can lower temps by 10-15 degrees on timers. Exposure to heat can signal the plant to shut down or go into dormancy. ( stop growing new flowers and leaves). I use misters during extreme hot summers. This way I can grow many hybrids with double flowers, knock out colors and a variety of leaf shapes/colors without the risk of loosing them. There are many variegated leaf varieties that are very nice and some are also hardy in some zones.
Check with your local nursery, ask if there is a 'Fuchsia Society' in your area and they will have a wealth of information as well as a good source for sharing fuchsia cuttings for propagation. The correct soil, temps, air quality, heat, cold, oxygen and exposure to light and fertilizer all have an impact on growing beautiful fuchsias .
If your planning on growing fuchsias in pots as well as in the landscape, (which is a great idea for a larger variety of fuchsias) , pots kept in a cool space in hot summers can generally include most fuchsia varieties and are always a good candidate for growing in pots. In some growing zones fuchsias are treated as annuals grown in pots or in the landscape.
My fav fuchsia is double "Blue Eyes" . They are not cold hardy in my zone 8 ...I grow them in pots and bring them in a warm greenhouse during cold winters. Other fuchsias I have are cold hardy in my zone 8 and I grow out them out in the landscape.
Be careful in many cases fuchsias are easy to get hooked on because they are so easy to grow.
More info in link below and also check out the many beautiful fuchsia plants in the forum database.