I figured I'd update.
1) The kombucha waste is nowhere near as acidic as I had originally been informed. In fact, the SCOBY ("symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast) is pure worm crack. They LOVE it. Always cover it though or it dries out before the decomp really gets going.
2) NOTHING...and I mean NOTHING likes hops. It even has a tendency to slow down decomp for materials surrounding them. Since that part of making kombucha is a separate step, you can easily avoid it. I even tried composting it as Bokashi. Not worth it. I also created a separate pile just for the hops. Not worth it. It might be the high oil content.
3) A pretty good kombucha culture has a nice thick healthy SCOBY. They get trimmed frequently to keep it growing...much like rejuvenation of sourdough culture. That said, when you get a lot of it, it looks like hog fat trimmings if you've even been around a hog butchering. The smell is slightly like an apple cider vinegar. That goes away quickly and really isn't unpleasant.
4) Everything else is pretty much tea leavings and any spent leaves of flavoring herbs like mint, lavender, hibiscus, etc. The piles like it and so do the worms and black soldierfly larvae eventually.
Below is a pic of a tub with SCOBY trimmings, then a few shots of the tops of my compost bins with a new layer of SCOBY. I'm looking for a coffee source for my next layer.
BTW, the red looking stuff is from hibiscus flowers.