LG, I looked back at pictures from my previous garden, and I had more pips increasing in January there than I did here. Those pips needed protection, which I haven't had to do here so far.
This garden is running a month behind in pip size, which I'm thankful for. It means I'll be getting later blooms.
We definitely have rabbits here, they've been eating my clematis! I haven't seen any deer yet, but I'm told that they do live in the woods behind our home. I'm hoping that the bramble that's growing in the back of our natural area will deter them.
Liz, so sorry you're still getting such cold temp. Growing peonies, once you move to AL, will be so much easier!
Karen, I've also been pulling weeds all winter! It's annoying, I don't want them spreading around the garden. We have 2 lots on either side of us that weren't developed, and full of weeds. One of the homes has since been built and landscaped. Hopefully, they'll get started on the other soon!
Further, we have a neighbors that have not been maintaining their yard, and it's full of weeds! Our home sits downward from theirs, and we're in a wind tunnel, with the wind blowing towards us from that direction
