I have had great success with deterring moles by using coffee grinds. We get them at Starbucks, or we used to before the Pandemic. They will give them to you for free.
I have pavers around my patio garden to keep my good soil in and try to keep the lawn grass out. It's not that big, but I have a bunch of things growing in that small space.
For several years I've been fighting the battle of the moles undermining all my plants. They have tunneled all over our yard, front and back, and sides. I didn't know what to do to keep them out so I thought that I would try to deter them with the grinds. Where they were tunneling in I placed some heavy flat bricks in a line and at the edge I dug a deep hole and filled it with grinds. I would say they were a quart deep.
It has worked. No more tunnels. Of course the mole went to the front yard and has totally excavated that space, but that is ok with me. The grass needed dethatching anyway.
I highly recommend the grinds if you want to deter the critters. I've been told that it is usually only one mole working the property, but there are lots of tunnels in my yard.
Oh, BTW, if you pile up mulch/bark around a tree it will die. I killed a Hickory tree by doing that and I just hated it. The rule of thumb is to allow at least 6 inches, but I would allow more if possible.