Apr 2, 2020 1:40 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Kim
Black Hills, SD (Zone 5a)
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Sorry, I did not entirely get how to tag the succulents in the combination, so here are all of the succulents in this combination are:
Echinocactus grusonii
Anacampseros rufescens
Austrocylindropuntia vestita cristata
Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, 1Cor. 13:4
Let’s talk about Animal Fun Facts, Birds, Trees/Shrubs, or Oleanders!
Last edited by KFredenburg Apr 2, 2020 1:49 PM Icon for preview
Apr 4, 2020 11:07 AM CST
Name: Elizabeth
Ann Arbor, Michigan (Zone 6a)
Bee Lover Peonies Native Plants and Wildflowers Region: Michigan Foliage Fan Dragonflies
Dahlias Garden Photography Cactus and Succulents Butterflies Bromeliad Bookworm
Hi Kim,
Just a friendly heads up about doing plant combinations. You can edit ("manage") your PC's even after you've approved them for public viewing. Open one of your PC's inside the PC page. There's a menu of choices below it, including a "Manage your ..." and a choice for deleting the image, if you want to start all over. You can delete/add/relabel tags with the 'manage tags' option at this point. I haven't tried it on a PC that had no tags to start with, as is your case here, but I bet it'll work. Another hint. I usually search the database to make sure the plants I want to label are actually there before I upload a PC and try to label it. If a plant isn't in the database, and I think it should be, I propose adding the plant. I know I can go back and add a tag for it later, after the plant proposal has been approved. Good luck. - Elizabeth
I post high resolution photos (nature, travel, and other subjects) on smugmug
Apr 4, 2020 11:58 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Kim
Black Hills, SD (Zone 5a)
Discover more wildflowers
Annuals Houseplants Hummingbirder Native Plants and Wildflowers Peppers Seed Starter
Snakes Enjoys or suffers hot summers Tomato Heads The WITWIT Badge Vegetable Grower Beavers
Thanks @arctangent! I already tried editing it...but it's just that I don't get how to draw the circles and everything...I am on iPad so it may be because of that...
Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, 1Cor. 13:4
Let’s talk about Animal Fun Facts, Birds, Trees/Shrubs, or Oleanders!
Apr 4, 2020 12:14 PM CST
Name: Elizabeth
Ann Arbor, Michigan (Zone 6a)
Bee Lover Peonies Native Plants and Wildflowers Region: Michigan Foliage Fan Dragonflies
Dahlias Garden Photography Cactus and Succulents Butterflies Bromeliad Bookworm
Hi Kim,
I'm not familiar with iPads (I mean the use of them, not the fact of them). The only kind of label 'box' I'm familiar with for plant combinations is a rectangle, not a circle. I just locate my mouse where I want the upper left corner of the rectangle to be, drag the mouse to the position of the lower right corner, and release. You could do the drag along any 'box' diagonal, in any direction, of course. Then I get a menu inset that asks for the plant name for that box. You might try seeing if you can find other users who do use iPads to find out what their experience with plant combinations is. Failing that, you might try to get in touch with site managers to see if there's a problem with interfacing software with iPads. That seems unlikely, though. I hope you can get the issue resolved. Enough people use iPads that if the problem is on's end, they really ought to fix it! - Elizabeth
I post high resolution photos (nature, travel, and other subjects) on smugmug
Apr 4, 2020 12:21 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Kim
Black Hills, SD (Zone 5a)
Discover more wildflowers
Annuals Houseplants Hummingbirder Native Plants and Wildflowers Peppers Seed Starter
Snakes Enjoys or suffers hot summers Tomato Heads The WITWIT Badge Vegetable Grower Beavers
Whoops haha he's I meant to say rectangle. Also, thanks for the advice @arctangent!
Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, 1Cor. 13:4
Let’s talk about Animal Fun Facts, Birds, Trees/Shrubs, or Oleanders!
May 4, 2020 1:57 AM CST
Plants Admin
Name: Suzanne/Sue
Sebastopol, CA (Zone 9a)
Sunset Zone 15
Plant Database Moderator Region: California Cottage Gardener Garden Photography Roses Clematis
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Can't draw the boxes for the ID's on an IPad.
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May 4, 2020 8:32 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Kim
Black Hills, SD (Zone 5a)
Discover more wildflowers
Annuals Houseplants Hummingbirder Native Plants and Wildflowers Peppers Seed Starter
Snakes Enjoys or suffers hot summers Tomato Heads The WITWIT Badge Vegetable Grower Beavers
Ok thanks Sue! That explains the problem!
Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, 1Cor. 13:4
Let’s talk about Animal Fun Facts, Birds, Trees/Shrubs, or Oleanders!
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