Hi Kim,
I'm not familiar with iPads (I mean the use of them, not the fact of them). The only kind of label 'box' I'm familiar with for plant combinations is a rectangle, not a circle. I just locate my mouse where I want the upper left corner of the rectangle to be, drag the mouse to the position of the lower right corner, and release. You could do the drag along any 'box' diagonal, in any direction, of course. Then I get a menu inset that asks for the plant name for that box. You might try seeing if you can find other garden.org users who do use iPads to find out what their experience with plant combinations is. Failing that, you might try to get in touch with site managers to see if there's a problem with interfacing garden.org software with iPads. That seems unlikely, though. I hope you can get the issue resolved. Enough people use iPads that if the problem is on garden.org's end, they really ought to fix it! - Elizabeth