Hello all!
I have a large number of houseplants and my watering routine typically involves putting them individually into the sink or bathtub to water. This takes time but allows me to make sure that the plants are thoroughly watered and do not stand in wet saucers. However a have a few plants that are getting very large and moving them is not really practical anymore (ex. monstera deliciosa). So I am looking for an alternative watering method that doesn't involve standing in water but also doesn't require me to move them.
I was looking at those aqua globes and wondering if they work? It seems like people who don't like them are using them in order to be able to reduce the time they spend on plant care, but that's not my goal... I have no problem changing them every few days and cleaning them with a pipe cleaner as long as they will actually deliver water to my plants.
Anyone with suggestions or experience with water globes to share?