Hello. Here are some plants native to my region I love having in my garden.
It is monarch time in the garden, and the Joe Pye Weed isn't even blooming yet. The Asclepias tuberosa has been a great source of nectar for visiting monarchs and a pollinator magnet.
Baptisia alba growing with Silphium terebinthinaceum. The Silphium comes from a tiny seedling that was sprouting. It was my volunteer job many years ago to weed the native plant garden at the museum so I took this out of place One inch tall native and nurtured it until it had strength to fill its spot. That garden had the second best honey ever.

Opuntia humifusa, found all over in the Indiana Dunes and now my yard.

Asclepias sulivantii and Aclepias tuberosa, not something one would find together in the wild. Monarchs don't mind.

I love the intense orange of Asclepias tuberosa. Reminds me of driving in Indiana, but not as much as the Silphium terebinthinaceum, that is iconic to our landscape.