You lucky skunk!
I went home to weed my green carpet garden and prepare the house that looked like a frat house for the Sunday Water Carnival feed.
I only spent three some hours actually weeding and that only covered 1/4 of the garden; I spent three hours watering the garden because it needed it and it makes pulling weeds easier.
Mostly Purslane and various grasses but Morning Glory and Quick Weed are two items I really, really, really want to get rid of and there was enough that I wish I had been able to finish.
One half of the corn plots only produced one or two stalks but as the seed was old and odd ball types I did not expect more but one large plot of corn from Seed Savers was total failure.
A DAMNed turkey was decided to plop her lard butt and her covey of rug rat chicks in the area that did not come up.
Chasing this vermin out was like trying to get drunk out of bed in the morning.
As I stood four feet away, she was just busy scratching a nesting hole in the dirt.
The chicks were tiny and I could have reach down and killed most of them but for what ever reason i kicked them out of the weed bed as the hen was already six fee down the road and I could have picked up an wrung the necks of most of the chicks or even just stomped them into the ground.
This is the only time I will not execute the vermin; if she comes back with young turkeys eating size, dinner will be served.
They will not leave where they are tolerated.
I would have finished the garden but straightening out and cleaning the house was major task I dreaded doing.
I spent twelve hours on Wed. working on the house and got 90 percent of the work done (not enough time to clean the rug by hand) and only a small amount of stuff was just tossed where it would be out of site, out of mind.
What I did was only really scratching the surface of what has to be done, i.e. real work, painting, repairing a leaking and collapsing ceiling, broken window , finally ten years later prime and paint a bathroom modification etc. etc., etc. and this does not count having to partially reside and completely paint the garage.
It still looks like a shack but better organized shack .