I've had 'Royal Flush' for a year and a half or so. *If* it were larger and had offsets, I'd offer to send or trade one...but unfortunately, it's just not large enough nor divisible.
As stated, I had to 'chase it down', as I *love* all things purple and have pretty good luck with Anthuriums.
(Much like you, I ignore them for the most part!)
Shortly after it arrived,I discovered some scale insects.
I'm still fighting them on that plant, but it seems to be thriving in spite of them.
"Red Giant" has really been an 'easy' plant for me. It absolutely thrives on my neglect. Seems to bloom intermittently all year around. If I had to guess, I think I'd say it blooms more often during the Wisconsin winter than during the summer! I think that has something to do with the 'angle' at which the sun shines into my large south window during the winter...but that's just my hypothesis!
She's a pretty large plant and might have an offset calling your name. I'll check it out over the weekend.