Avatar for TaruK
Apr 17, 2020 6:43 AM CST
Thread OP


I am desperately searching for any way to obtain Fuchsia Elma for myself. I'm from Finland and our first child, a daughter, will be born in July. She'll be named Elma, hence I'm searching for this specific Fuchsia Smiling I want to get the plant for myself but also give it to her godparents in the future. Would anyone here happen to have this specific Fuchsia or know where I could possibly obtain it? I can't find it anywhere in Finland and I've tried contacting some foreign suppliers, but they only sell it in massive quantities to businesses.

Hopeful regards, Taru
Thumb of 2020-04-17/TaruK/a786b4
Thumb of 2020-04-17/TaruK/9a706a
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  • Started by: TaruK
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