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Avatar for TessaNoel
Apr 19, 2020 10:54 AM CST
Thread OP
Has anyone over wintered less hardy daylilies in the house? Do you cut them back or keep them growing? Let them go dormant?
Apr 19, 2020 2:53 PM CST
Name: Sue
Ontario, Canada (Zone 4b)
Annuals Native Plants and Wildflowers Keeps Horses Dog Lover Daylilies Region: Canadian
Butterflies Birds Enjoys or suffers cold winters Garden Sages Plant Identifier
I've overwintered some indoors that I received too late to risk planting. They may not go dormant indoors even if they are registered as "dormant" and may continue to grow to some extent, but they do fine in a sunny window. There's no advantage to cutting them back that I can think of, unless the leaves die back which they probably won't. The only problem I've had with wintering them indoors has occasionally been spider mites. Some have flowered indoors but others have not.
Avatar for Wildbirds
Apr 21, 2020 7:14 AM CST

More-or-less same scenario as SOOBY ... Herrington's (2010) 'Mayor Of Munchkinland' ... Double fan purchased last autumn for breeding. Although already proven hardy here in south-central Ontario (Zone 4/5?) I didn't want to risk losing it over winter so kept it indoors in a cool room with plenty of light (Range was about 40-50F) FIRST time I've attempted this thru a winter. Actually divided it into separate pots of 1x scape each. Kept it 'dryish' for most of the winter until new growth started to show about mid February with improving natural light.

Then moved them into a warmer room (65-72F) & watered w/weak fertilizer hoping to 'push' them for an EARLY bloom to use on EE & E dips. Gnats got to one pot & retarded growth (Now back to healthy & growing well again) While the other has grown very well (Normally) .... One observation. BOTH plants (Same sizes) are in identical pots & soils beside each other - Yet one has a serious attack while the other showed zero signs of attack - ?
Apr 21, 2020 8:32 AM CST
Name: Maurice
Grey Highlands, Ontario (Zone 5a)
I bring what I suspect are tender daylilies inside in the autumn. They grow under lights in the basement. If they go dormant (a few do but most do not) I break their dormancy with higher intensity light (about the same as a normal sunny spring day). I have been doing this for several years. The problems I have found with growing them inside is that they may have aphids (every year) or spider mites (this year for the first time). Also see my response in your other post.
Last edited by admmad May 2, 2020 8:14 AM Icon for preview
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