Hi everyone! I'm very new at gardening and caring for plants, so I'm looking for fellow plant parents to educate me! I just recently got an umbrella tree (I think; I was told that it is a Chinese Money Tree, but after some research, Umbrella Tree is the closest match). It's been droopy and looking weak.
The previous owner left the plant in direct sunlight outdoors and neglected it for few weeks. I live in Southern California where it's 70-80+ degrees everyday especially right now in May. I moved it into indirect sunlight yesterday in my backyard and also have been watering it 2-3 times a week, when the soil is dry two knuckles down. It has pretty good drainage on the bottom of its pot.
It also has some brown/yellow spots on leaves and some leaves look deformed. It has white dusts and some webs (I'm suspecting spider mites?) on leaves so I wiped them down with water and microfiber towel for now.
My questions are:
1) is it an umbrella tree or Chinese money tree?
2) why is it droopy? Is it too much sun? Not enough water? Spider mites?
3) if it is spider mites that is bother the plant, are there any easy and natural remedies to get rid of them?
4) what are yellow/brown spots? Are they from spider mites? Or are they burnt from when they were in direct sunlight?
5) any tips and advice for me and the tree
Thank you so much in advance!!